As I look back over my career and how the internet has
become such an important marketing tool, there are 2 skills
that I am thankful I learned.
The first is typing. I am not a 70 word a minute typist, but
I do have gust of about 55 words a minute, and I can feel my
way around the keyboard without looking.
I remember back in 1995, when I was starting to work with a
partner on a new project. He had developed the first
internet based flash movie prospecting system
( and was embarrassed trying
to navigate through the system because all he could manage
to do on his laptop was the hunt and peck method of typing.
(Some of you know exactly what I am talking about)
I ended up buying him a gift, a learn typing at home course
I purchased at Office Depot. I told him, if he would devote
15 minutes a day to this course, over the long haul it would
increase his production drastically.
To tell the truth, I have not kept in very good contact with
him over the years, and I couldn’t tell you if he ever learned
to type or keyboarding as the kids call it these days, but I
hope he took my advice. I would advise you to do the same
thing, if the only way you can type is by using the hunt and
peck method, I encourage you to make it your goal to learn
how to type this year. My advice to you would be the same.
15 minutes a day, will make a major positive impact on your
production over the rest of your marketing career. So make
yourself a note, and the next time you at your office supply
store, pick up a typing teaching program.
The 2nd skill has probably been the most valuable. My first
year at IBM I took an elective speed reading course. I took
this on my own time, and I was amazed, out of over 7000
Employees who had the opportunity to take the course, free of
charge, there was only 3 of us in the class.
I went through the Dick Cavett Speed reading program and it has
made a major positive impact on my ability to get through and
comprehend information.
Today, there a many speed reading programs on the market, one
of the most popular is the IQ Program by Infinite Mind. I have
several marketing friends that have gone through this course
and love it. Right now they are offering a 30 day free trial
on their website IQProgram you just cover the P&H fee and they
send it to you so you can prove its value to yourself, before you
invest in the program.
Life is about personal growth, and becoming more efficient and
what we do. I believe in today’s marketing world, 2 skills
that would do everyone a lot of good and ultimately help them
earn more income is:
1) Learn how to type
2) Learn How to increase your reading speed up to 10x with the
Continued Success