Monthly Archives: May 2013

MAY 17th No Fluff Newsletter

The Friday, No Fluff Marketing newsletter is now online

Here is the direct link:

In the May 17th Issue

I have a short survey, I personally put together and
would appreciate it so much to take it.  I know it will
help me, and I think the questions will provoke thought
and help you also.

Message from Dale

Is confidence the most important determining factor of Success?

Quote of the Week

Remember to take the Survey!
and more ……………….








Hello Folks,

This week’s “No-Fluff” Newsletter is now posted online and viewable by clicking here.

I do make a couple of points in this weeks newsletter, but for some of you it will be a trip down memory lane.

If you were ever at my farm in Lexington, Ky at “The Seminar of the Century” or at a “National Conference”, I would love for you to share a couple of comments using the comment section at the bottom of the newsletter page here.

Have a great Mother’s Day Weekend.

Dedicated to Your Success,




I have had several people ask for my opinion on Pure Leverage.

My question to them  is as a business opportunity or as a product?  


90% say as a business. 

So let me sum up my thoughts in one sentence and then I will expand.  As a product, Pure Leverage is the best of it's kind in the market, as a business opportunity there are simply too few potential customers for most people to ever make a significant income.


Pure Leverage
Click Here to Watch the Video


I have been using GVO for hosting, the company behind Pure Leverage, for nearly ten years.  They have always offered the best website hosting options for marketers like myself with multiple websites, Now with the introduction of Pure Leverage they offer the best option for newbie marketers,… Continue reading »

I have changed things up a little with this week's "NO FLUFF NEWSLETTER" and on our website.

Use this link to access: Click Here
You will also notice at the end of the newsletter a  place for you to leave comments and or questions please  let me know your thoughts!  Every week, It seems people take the time to send me comments and questions via email.  This should make it easier for you.
In this newsletter…
* Quick Derby Message from Dale
* What Night Crawlers, Magic, and Sports Collectible Have to do with Your Success
* Quote of the Week
* Video of the Week: The Principles Never Change – from Dan Kennedy
I am continuing to tweak the newsletter, please let me know your comments.  Thank you so  much for all… Continue reading »
About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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