Friday Updates Newsletter


I just wanted to take a minute and Thank all of you for the encouraging emails, text, and phone calls I have received this week. I cannot tell you how encouraging it is that so many people are relating to the webinars Ron Henley and I did this past week and my MLM Minute periscope trainings. You can see a replay of the webinar here

A Critical Message for Network Marketing Leaders REPLAY

I know some of you are thinking what is Periscope?

Click here, this post will explain it all. If you are building a MLM Team, mark my words this app is going to become as popular as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc in the future! There is nothing more valuable than daily communication with your team.

As some of you know and have noticed we are making some major changes at Network Marketing Support Services. To make a very long story short, my goal was never to become a generic Network Marketing trainer or consultant! Honestly since 2000 when I sold my network marketing company until last month I have subconsciously or consciously been trying to disassociate myself with what the network marketing industry was becoming. I am sure that statement offends some people, and that is certainly not my intention.

If you have been reading this blog, watching my YouTube Videos, or seem me at a live event I hope you will agree that my passion for helping people has never left me. It is because of your support that I have continued to try to point people to the Wisdom of the Ages Principles over the past 15 years.

I had somebody send me a text this week that says “Dale you are back” . I appreciated that and I understood what they are saying, the truth is I never left, but on the other hand since 2000 I never was really present.

I understand that the network marketing industry is full of quote “leaders” who have stuck their heads in the sand, stroking their “followers” ego and telling them what they want to hear in hopes of extracting as much money as they can for as long as they can. For some reason since I can remember I have been disturbed by what I call THE MANIPULATION OF THE MASSES, but that is for another time.

Listen, I am a small town Kentucky kid, that fell in love with the personal development network marketing provided. When I was building all I really wanted was to be able to make a full-time income, not have a boss, and share the Wisdom of the Ages principles I was learning and IMPLEMENTING daily.


Those that know me will tell you I have never been “Money Motivated”. I remember specifically the day I set a goal to become a Millionaire. I had heard Jim Rohn make this statement dozens of times on audio, but for some reason, this time I heard it. ….

Everyone should aspire to become a millionaire, not for the money, but for the type of person they will have to become.


Two emotional needs in people I have witnesses but never been able to understand is Greed and Ego. I KNOW that these two emotions, mindsets, programs, or whatever you want to call them have destroyed more talented people than any other. I don’t recommend that people spend a lot of time watching TV, but have you ever seen the show American Greed?

I have also come to conclusion that most people who are consumed with Greed & Ego don’t recognize the dominance of those feelings in their own life. Here is what Einstein said about ego: Meme1A








Regarding Greed this pretty much sums it up.

Greed Meme







I really don’t know why I shared this tonight other than to say that I truly believe the network marketing profession and the world in general needs to understand these Wisdom of the Ages principles now more than ever. I understand that for most people change is hard unless the pain from not changing is greater than the pain of change. I suggest that we all attempt to be in a constant state of change and evolution and strive to become better people, better leaders, and better network marketers.

Many people that at one time were considered successful MLM leaders end up leaving the industry because they never had what I call “THE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PARIDIGMN SHIFT” I am not going to take the time here to totally explain this concept but in a nutshell, they never understood that they are not the issue, duplicatable systems are as we accidentally proved in the Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire training program.

Below are the Larry Thompson videos that Ron and I talked about on our webinar, it is my sincere hope and prayer that those who love the power of the network marketing industry to change lives will take this information to heart and have the courage to make personal changes if they are needed


About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

To subscribe, click here. If you need help on a specific topic, use our search box below. The search works just like Google. Just enter a keyword and press enter.

For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

MLM Scam 2.0
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