Monthly Archives: May 2011

A discussion with my step daughter this afternoon
prompted me to find this article.

Myth of the Well-Educated Manager

I wanted to share it with you guys.

As I have always known “Formal education makes you
a living, if you become self-educated you create a
fortune” JIM ROHN

The #1 reason many cannot make it as an entrepreneur
is the fact their formal education holds them back because
it creates a sense of entitlement.

Nothing Can Replace Persistence

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful
men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated
derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

“ Calvin Coolidge


Myth of the Well-Educated Manager
by J. Sterling… Continue reading »

A friend of mine sent me this today, and I thoughtour
subscribers would like it, I hope you do.

I have talked about the concept of Wistful Regret for
many years. Hot regret is decisions we made in the
momenet, we wish we handn’t.

Wistful regret is when people come to the end of their
life and wish they hand taken more chances, not played
it safe. They wish they had had a dream and went after

On the first day of school our professor introduced himself
and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already
know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched
my shoulder.

I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming
up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being..

She… Continue reading »

I just had an email from a friend, saying this YouTube video was
worth taking a look at:

and it is! It is not earth shattering, but it is inspirational
and the message is based upon the truth and wisdom of
the ages.

This is what blows my mind.

As most of you knows, YouTube allows you to vote
video’s up or down. Like most of you when I see something
that will inspire people I will vote it UP.

It has to be horrible or an outright lie, for me to ever vote it
down, I would just say nothing, or express nothing, before I
vote a video down.

The video rankings at the time of this writing blew my mind:

1,367 likes, 131 dislikes

131 dislikes?

It is sad to think that someone is so disgusted with their… Continue reading »

Over the past couple of years that have been at least ½ dozen coffee programs that have started with a lot of fanfare but never gained any real traction. One was even giving away a cappuccino type coffee maker, you just used their coffee.

A network marketing opportunity is always limited to the market potential it has for real, honest to goodness consumers. In other words, what is the market potential for the product outside of those participating in the opportunity?

These distributors are always quick to rattle off the stats on what percent of the population drinks coffee and on and on. On the surface it would appear that coffee, a product consumed by a large portion of the population would make a great network marketing product, or would it?

If there is not a realistic expectation of a… Continue reading »

The email below prompted this post.

Network Marketers have been taken a play
out of the Internet Marketers Product Launch
playbook. That is well and good, but the real
question is, how do you lead guide, direct and
train people after the launch?

It appears that people seem to be jumping
from this launch, to the next and on and on,
instead of getting involved with the right company
at THE RIGHT TIME, and planting themselves!



Dear Mr. Calvert

I want to thank you for your newsletter article about six
months ago titled “What happens after the Big Launch?”.

That information saved me from buying into all the Bellamora
crap a few months ago.

I didn’t know if you had seen this are not, so I thought I would
send you the latest.

Robert Jayney

If… Continue reading »

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