The industry seems to be full of people that are running as fast as they can with very little results to show for it. I just want to encourage you to take a breath, slow down a little. Learn to take the time to think and plan. Listen, I am preaching to the choir here, I am as guilty as anyone reading this post and I am not afraid to admit it! I believe this is a learned skill.
I remember our preacher a few years ago saying, “Pray that God will give you creative ideas”. I remember thinking to myself, “that is the last thing I
need”. Some of you can relate, right?
I started my first business, a direct mail company out of my parent’s home… Continue reading
One of the biggest mistakes all marketers make is they expect big results with small numbers. One of the number one questions I receive is what percent of the people who land on my website should opt in for my information.
Honestly, there are many factors, most of which I have never paid a lot of attention to (my mistake) like
*where the visitors come from
*Value of give away, etc. etc.
For websites, these have been my base number for years, I think I originally got this from Internet Marketer Marlon Sanders.
A good rule of thumb:
If you convert…
– 1%: You are doing “fine”
– 2%: You are doing well
– Anything above 2%: You are doing very well
If you are doing 10%+, you are almost doing “too well,” meaning you could probably… Continue reading
As I have said many times, if not for the invention of the walkman, I would have never made it in the network marketing industry.
I was blessed to have a full-time job at IBM that allowed me to listen to audio cassettes, 8 hours a day. Truth be known, that is what created many of my beliefs and philosophies. I didn’t enter the industry with the skill sets and mindsets to build a network marketing team, they were developed. Because I was able to do it, I KNOW others can develop the right skill sets and mindsets as well.
When people got to a certain level on our team they were invited to our Leaders inside circle called the Eagle Club. We would meet together once a quarter. All new Eagle Club members were given a binder with 4… Continue reading
Hey network marketing pros can I get an amen?
If you have been there and done this, help somebody out and share your comments below!
NOTE TO SELF – Don’t Schedule 4 Hours of Audio & Video Training On The Day You Are Having Your Office Roof Replace!?
I stayed up until 5:00 AM listening to an enlightening training.
My plan was to get up around 10:00 or 11:00, and video tape until Dawn & I needed to leave around 4:00 to meet my middle daughter and her family at one of our favorite hole in the wall BBQ joints.
At 7:15 it sounded like a group of paratroopers from the movie Red Dawn landed on my roof. “What in the world is going on?” I thought to myself for ½ second. “Oh yeah, this is the day the roofing team is coming. I was thinking that was tomorrow… oh yeah, it is tomorrow” was the internal conversation I had with myself.
So I got… Continue reading