I am sure most of you have heard the story Zig Ziglar
tells about how most people get done more the week
before they go on vacation than they do the rest of the
He says why not go to Hawaii every week? Meaning
why not Focus and get all you can get done every day
and every week you live?
So true!
Human nature has always been fascinating to me.
There is so much truth in the statement “Look at what
everyone else is doing and do the oppositeâ€.
I think it is human nature at this time of the year is to
stop, or at least slow down and evaluate our business
and other aspects of our life. At this time of the year
more than any other we probably ask ourselves serious
questions, and are not… Continue reading
A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee…
You will never look at a cup of
coffee the same way again.
A young woman went to her mother and
told her about her life and how
things were so hard for her. She did not
know how she was going to make it and
wanted to give up, She was tired of fighting
and struggling. It seemed as one problem
was solved, a new one arose.
Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled
three pots with water and placed each on a high
fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she
placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs,
and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.
She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.
In about twenty minutes she turned… Continue reading
Isn’t MLM Training better than a Fruit Cake?
We have made Christmas shopping for
yourself, or your upline & downline
team member very easy again this
When someone asks you want you want
just send them this link.
form built right into the website for you!
If you have team members who you want to
help! Send them a gift certificate from
Calvert Marketing Group!
We will send gift certificate along with our
full color catalog of training products to each
Each certificate is good for “any and all” Calvert
Marketing training products, seminars, etc… and
is active for a full 365 Days!
$10.00 Value Gift Certificate
Your price $7.50
(Save $2.50)
$25.00 Value Gift Certificate
Your price $20.00
(Save $5.00)
$50.00 Value Gift Certificate
Your price $40.00… Continue reading
Marketing as an activity is all about reaching the right customers with
the right products, and the result sought is delighted customers who
are more than willing to open their purses wide enough to boost your
revenues. For many years, marketers stalked their target customers
through various means and by trying to get their message across to
spread awareness about their wares.
Traditional Means of Communication
Traditionally, marketing communications were conducted via print,
broadcast and such traditional media through disruptive advertising,
where advertisements appear in between the content of interest
for the customer.
Traditional media does give a large reach to a marketer with its
programming of mass appeal. However, the wastage is equally high,
since a large portion of the audience would belong to a different
segment than the one that is to be targeted by the marketer.
Enter… Continue reading
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
The last 3 months I have been in a whirlwind like
you wouldn’t believe, but it is all good!
I will probably do a video for our mlmhelp.com
subscribers around the first of the year, just to
clarify what I mean.
I am in the process of selling several of my niche
websites and trying to put the finishing touches
on several other projects.
I wanted to share 3 announcements with you today.
#1 If you are involved with any product line such
as weight loss, skin care, cosmetics, product that
help people LOOK BETTER, I have a new prospecting
CD for your business called “Vanity Wealth†that will
be released sometime in January.
The website will be www.VanityWealth.Biz. It is NOT
UP yet, but my goal is by mid January. Some… Continue reading
Feature Article
The article below was originally published in the
July 2003 Issue of our MLM Help Ezine.
Dale Calvert
I was sitting in church last Wednesday night, and
during the announcements one of our associate
pastors, PT Kemper was brought up to address
the congregation.
PT explained how the church was trying to raise
money to re-do the nursery. He then went on
to explain how that afternoon a young man from
Tennessee had stopped by the church with a
product that was the next best thing since
“Snake Oil”.
Those of you with a background or knowledge
of the Shaklee Corporation have probably heard
of Basic H. It is a phenomenal product with
1001 uses, everything from brushing your teeth,
to putting a few drops in… Continue reading