Monthly Archives: October 2013

When I started in the industry over 30 years ago I had a large poster in my office.  It was a quote from Dr. Forrest Shaklee which said.  "You Keep that Which You Give Away"  I was inspired this morning when I ran across this picture.   Check out the sign in the window.  Here is a business owner that really gets it!




We have all heard the phrase; what goes around, comes around.   More business owners need to think about how can I serve, instead of how can I make more profits.

Jim Rohn said it this way Your income is in direct proportion to the value you provide to the market that you serve .   Mathew… Continue reading »



Dawn and I just got back from an awesome 7-Day Caribbean cruise.  Yesterday was our wedding anniversary; we actually got married four years ago on a cruise ship.


Dale & Dawn Cruise Pic


When we got married I told her, I only spend money on two things… memories and personal education.


Years ago I bought into the concept that you should learn to live on 70% of your income, Tithe 10%, Save 10% and Invest 10% on your own personal development and education.


When I look at the network marketing industry, it is shocking to me how many “leaders” don’t invest in their own education.  Maybe network marketing leaders should be forced to have continuing education as doctors, financial planners and other professionals are required to do.


I have the opportunity to train at different Super Saturday events… Continue reading »


Get Rich


I have been doing some keyword research this morning, and just had take a break and share this with you guys.  I am in the process of scaling my business way down to focus more on seminars and consulting and 6 other business models instead of dozen or so we are currently involved in.   A few years ago I remember my pastor saying in a sermon that you should pray that God will give you “Creative Ideas”.  I remember thinking at the time, that is the last thing I need.   Ideas are not the issue, it is the time to implement the ideas.  I know many of you can relate to what I am saying.  Some of the best advice I have ever heard is “You have to say… Continue reading »




Daily, I receive over 1,000 emails in my in box even with every spam filter known to man in use. Text messages on my phone pop like pop corn constantly from people I don't know or want me to take a look at XYZ company.  That is why I try to encourage our clients to contact when they need help.  That is also why many times you will get a response from one of our staff members from one of my personal email boxes.  Normally they respond to as many as they can daily and leave the ones that they think I need to see, but that is not the purpose of this post.

As a marketer, I understand that if your email doesn't get opened, it can't get read, and if doesn't… Continue reading »


For the last few years I have been encouraging our newsletter and blog readers to become “Facebook marketing educated”  and learn how to effectively create leads on Facebook.

A couple of months ago I attended a webinar that was awesome and well worth my time.   The gentleman conducting the webinar has developed a piece of software that marketers are using to create thousands of dollars in monthly income generating thousands of leads weekly with Facebook.

So I bought the software immediately following the webinar, but have so much on my plate I went to bed and honestly forgot all about it.  Thankfully, yesterday a friend of mine from Memphis, Bill Basinger sent me an email talking about the software.  So at about 8:00 last night, I started going through the training and it was blown away, then… Continue reading »

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

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