Sometime over the last 30 days, somewhere I wrote this statement:
“”””” Spare the hate emails, you cannot say something to me that has not already been said. I am not picking on the network marketing industry. The same can be said about real estate agents, insurance agents, and the list of industries goes on and on.
I love the network marketing industry, but I am a HATER when I see the lack of leadership most “leaders” provide to their organizations. Somehow we have evolved into an industry that feels anyone who has ever made a monthly check of $10,000 is a “leader”. INCOME has nothing to do with leadership as it relates to the network marketing industry or any other real world business. $10,000 a month income earners in MLM are a dime a dozen as I… Continue reading
I think it was 1997.
I was invited to speak at my first INTERNET Marketing event ever. Yes, I said INTERNET MARKETING. At the time I had two different
monthly membership websites, before anyone had ever heard the term membership website.
One was paying me about $11,000 a month and the other one about $4,000 and that was the topic they wanted me to speak about.
I was excited, but a little nervous. My bread and butter is network marketing that is what I know. I was a newbie to all of this world
wide web stuff. Now that I think about it, I guess everyone was in 1997. ?
I was excited because I had the opportunity to be on the stage with many people that I had studied like Jonathan Mizel, Declan Dunn, and Marlon Sanders.
Those guys… Continue reading
We hope you and yours have a wonderful Memorial Day!
“SYSTEMS” is a forgotten word in the network marketing world and one that leaders desperately need to REMEMBER!
Everyone who is reading this article would agree that at its foundation, network marketing is based upon the concept of duplication, agreed?
What creates duplication in the real world?
You can look at McDonalds, Starbucks, or any well run business and the answer is obvious.
S Y S T E M S create duplication and depending on someone’s personality does not.
It doesn’t matter if I pull up to a Starbucks in Kentucky, Georgia, Los Angeles, Dallas, or Chicago; I am going to hear these words, “Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today”.
This… Continue reading