“SYSTEMS” is a forgotten word in the network marketing world and one that leaders desperately need to REMEMBER!
Everyone who is reading this article would agree that at its foundation, network marketing is based upon the concept of duplication, agreed?
What creates duplication in the real world?
You can look at McDonalds, Starbucks, or any well run business and the answer is obvious.
S Y S T E M S create duplication and depending on someone’s personality does not.
It doesn’t matter if I pull up to a Starbucks in Kentucky, Georgia, Los Angeles, Dallas, or Chicago; I am going to hear these words, “Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today”.
This phrase is specific & exact so there is no room for self interpretation, therefore it is duplicatable.
After they are trained, a fifteen year old kid can walk into Starbucks or any successful franchise in the world and do their job successfully, because the entire business model is duplicatable. I call this the franchise factor. I have been teaching this concept of systemizing every aspect of your network marketing business for over 25 years.
The truth is, today if you ask 100 network marketers in the SAME COMPANY, “what do you say when you follow up with a lead who has visited your website”, you will get 100 different answers. I just pulled the skill of following up with a website visitor out of the air. Name any basic skill set in network marketing, ask 100 distributors in the same company and you will get 100 different answers, and we wonder why the masses are confused?
How long do you think a franchise would last without specific, step-by-step training systems in place? How do we have the nerve to ask ourselves why most people that enter the network marketing industry are gone within 90 days?
So the next question we have to ask ourselves is how has the industry survived and thrived for so long when the truth is duplication of systems has never really existed except in a few organizations with TRUE LEADERS who understand, “Network Marketing is not about developing followers, it is about developing leaders.”
Spare the hate emails, you cannot say something to me that has not already been said. I am not picking on the network marketing industry. The same can be said about real estate agents, insurance agents, and the list of industries goes on and on.
I love the network marketing industry, but I am a HATER when I see the lack of leadership most “leaders” provide to their organizations. Somehow we have evolved into an industry that feels anyone who has ever made a monthly check of $10,000 is a “leader”. INCOME has nothing to do with leadership as it relates to the network marketing industry or any other real world business. $10,000 a month income earners in MLM are a dime a dozen as I discuss in detail in the free PDF Pinnacle MLM Leadership available here. The reality is over the past 50 years, most of the people who hit the $10,000 a month income level with a network marketing organization at some point in their life, are not even in the industry today. There, I said it. Somebody needed to.
Why are they gone?
They were great at creating a following but lousy at duplicating leaders. Here is the bottom line, I think Brian Tracy said it the first time I heard it. Leaders develop other leaders. Unfortunately, in our industry, people can get to the top level of a comp plan based upon their own personality, work ethic, drive, determination, ambition and ability to create a following, however they never STAY THERE! SYSTEMS are duplicatable, personality is not.
This has been my battle cry for years, however the good ole boy MLM network seems determined that the way to build a business is to tell people what they want to hear and keep them ignorant and excited.
“Leaders” move from program to program, making “bridge money” deals with owners, then take their sheep – I mean followers – no, actually they call it “their team” with them.
Network marketing is the most rewarding industry in the world when you build your team on the right systems. Think about it, a 3 -5 year game plan to create totally financial independence for you and your family. It is a real opportunity to have TIME & the MONEY to enjoy it. Most opportunities are real, the industry is real, but the last 15 years all we have been doing is recruiting each other from deal to deal. The focus has not been on developing the next wave of leadership. Because it is hard, and the truth be known, most $10,000 a month income earners cannot duplicate their own personality, drive and work ethic.
Fifteen years ago in a publication for network marketing owners and corporate leaders, I wrote an article titled “Inspire Greatness or Cater to Mediocrity.” In the article I said “I believe this industry has to return to its roots of personal development and personal responsibility. We must create a culture that inspires people to grow, learn, develop new skills, and become all they can become.”
Listen, I know it is tough, but I also know it can be done. As an industry we have to have to focus on using duplicatable systems in all aspects of our business so we can preserve our industry and develop future leaders. If this makes sense to you, consider joining my MLM Training Club, this program will put you on a path of duplication for yourself and your team!