I realize that it may be possible that some of our younger readers may not know who John Belushi was and may have never seen Animal House, one of the Top 5 Comedy movies of all time in my humble opinion. If you want to laugh, this is the movie!

College enrollment is dropping and will probably continue this trend. I have always thought college was a place to hang out for 4 years for those that were not ready to take on the real world, and totally unecessary for most people. Don’t get me wrong, I want to make sure my doctors, denist, and anyone working on my body or my family have a college education. There are some career paths that need specialized education for sure.
If we are truthful most people with a general studies 4… Continue reading

You might find this interesting; you might agree to some of it, if not all of it, or it might just make you downright upset. These lists are always challenging and somewhat subjective, which is what makes them so much fun in the first place.
So, here’s what we did. We asked our organizational leaders, writers, and even some of our readers to give us their top twelve (we wanted a few more than 10 for research purposes) books that would help someone improve their lives. This is what we came up with.
Top 10 plus 8 more (because this is harder than it looks):
- The King James Bible (The Original Self Help Book)
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Change Your Thoughts, Change… Continue reading
Many times over the years I have quoted this verse from the Bible to coaching clients “To thy own self be true” a couple have fired me because of it, which is on me, because I am the one that approved them in the first place. Over the past few years I have been fascinated by the number of people that are happy to hang out in the entrepreneurial world and never take any type of sustained actions towards what they say they want.
It as if some people like hanging out with other WantAPrenuers (A Shark Tank Term) more than they do the ladies at choir practice or the dudes on their softball team.
Have they found a world where people will stroke their ego, tell them how great… Continue reading
I want to share with you a goal setting tweak, that most people have never really thought about or heard. I first heard it from a personal development trainer years ago that was speaking at an auto dealership convention. I had bought the audios on eBay, and I cannot remember the speakers name, but this one idea was worth 1,000 times whatever I paid for the audio program.
Building a Network Marketing business takes a tremendous amounts of time, energy, and effort. I believe one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is am I looking for a way to make money, or do I want to build a real business?
There are multiple ways to make money. There is probably more opportunity today to make money than at any time in history. Yes some education is required. There are multiple ways to create a few hundreds extra dollars in cash if that is what you are looking for. Yes, many companies allow you to market their products and create additional income, however in my opinion, if this is your goal there are easier ways.
Consider this, if you market network marketing products you have to find customers, that is what you are paid for.… Continue reading
” A wise person learns from their own mistakes,
a really wise person learns from the mistakes
of others” Zig Ziglar
I’ve learned the best classroom in the world is
from a mentor who has already done what you
are trying to do
I’ve learned….. That when you’re in love, it shows.
I’ve learned….. That just one person saying to me, “You’ve made my day!”
makes my day.
I’ve learned….. That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the
most peaceful feelings in the world.
I’ve learned….. That being kind is more important than being right.
I’ve learned….. That you should never say no to a gift from a child.
I’ve learned….. That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have
the strength to help him in some other… Continue reading
Truth is Truth