Building a Network Marketing business takes a tremendous amounts of time, energy, and effort. I believe one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is am I looking for a way to make money, or do I want to build a real business?
There are multiple ways to make money. There is probably more opportunity today to make money than at any time in history. Yes some education is required. There are multiple ways to create a few hundreds extra dollars in cash if that is what you are looking for. Yes, many companies allow you to market their products and create additional income, however in my opinion, if this is your goal there are easier ways.
Consider this, if you market network marketing products you have to find customers, that is what you are paid for. However if you you can also sell hammers at your local flea market and the customers will find you.
I have always believed network marketing is powerful because it give the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create wealth.
How many business models offer you the opportunity to not only create full-time income, but also the TIME and freedom residual income provides.
So if you want to build a network marketing team, choose one company and treat your business like a real business. Lack of focus is one of the biggest challenges I see from network marketing distributors.
So what are you looking for?
Extra income, or the opportunity to build a real business and create long term wealth?
If it is to build a real team and a real business I hope this poem from Gary Keller, author of the best selling book THE ONE THING will speak to you.
The One Thing
We work longer hours and earn more, but seem to bring home less
We give our all and yearn for more, but seem to settle for less
We drive fast, talk fast, eat fast and still don’t seem to get ahead
Then wonder where the day has gone, when we crawl into our bed
We stand for less, fall for more, and strain to find our voice
We have more opportunity than ever, yet struggle to make a choice
We communicate more, connect much less, and seem to lose our way
Powered by more but powerless, we fail to seize the day
We want it all, we want it now, and our wishes literally seem endless
We put more worth in net than self, then wonder why we feel so helpless
We snatch and claw, we grab, we grasp for all that we can cling
Instead of slowing down to figure out what matters most, and identify the one thing
~Gary Keller
If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommended it. I bought the book and enjoyed it so much I also ended up downloading the audio version from audible.
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results