Monthly Archives: March 2007

Affiliate Marketing,  Google Ad Words, Google Ad Sense, Network Marketing, Niche Marketing, Direct Mail,  Real Estate,  Stock Market Investing, Direct Marketing, The 4X Market,  High Yield Investment Programs, Direct Sales,  EBay and Online Auctions, Information Marketing……………the list goes on and on and on and on.




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Here is a story that you may relate with and hopefully provide a couple of ah ha moments.  About 3 years ago I was speaking at an Internet Marketing Conference in Orlando, Florida.  On the front row was a bright eyed enthusiastic young man in his twenties named Rob.




I was one of the first speakers at the event and my topic was “How to Create a $5,000+ Monthly Income… Continue reading »

At the time of this article I am sitting in the waiting area of the Ft. Lauderdale airport waiting to fly back home to Kentucky.  I had the pleasure to be on of six speakers to train at the first ever Super Saturday Event sponsored by TheNetworkMarketing magazine. It was a pleasure to invited by George Madiou to speak at this event with
Max Steingart
Doug Firebaugh
Kathy Robbins
Paula Prichard
Sandy Bodkin 

This weekend I was reminded again, how all network marketers follow the same path and how truth and the realities of this business eventually become obvious. 

As I listened to the other speakers do their trainings I was reminded of this over and over.  You can’t fight the “way it is”.  You must learn to work with the… Continue reading »


Dale Calvert

Before I start this article I have a confession to make.  I am a book, tape, info-merical and seminar junky.  I attend every seminar I possibly can that is within a 3 hour drive.  I own courses from Don Lapree, Carlton Sheets, John Beck and every other infomercial guru.

All I am looking for is one good idea that I can implement into my existing systems and programs. In 1990 I realized the impact the Internet was going to make on the marketing world and I invested over $50.000.00 attending Internet Marketing seminars all over the world. Now with that confessed………..I had the good fortune to be able to one of the featured speakers at the Network Marketing Magazines first super Saturday training that was held in Ft. Lauderdale a couple of… Continue reading »

It seems  prayer still upsets some people. Please  read….

When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the  new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual  generalities, but this is what they  heard;

“Heavenly  Father,
We come before you  today
To ask your forgiveness  and
To seek your direction and  guidance.

We know Your Word  says,

“Woe to those who call evil  good”

But that is exactly what we have  done.

We have lost our spiritual  equilibrium

And reversed our  values.

We have exploited the poor  and Called it the  lottery.

We have rewarded  laziness And called it  welfare.

We have killed our  unborn and called it  choice.

We have shot  abortionists And called it  … Continue reading »

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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