Maybe you are like me, I have made this far in my adult life and NEVER BOUGHT A LOTTERY TICKET, so I think the odds are pretty good, I never will. So what would you do if for whatever reason you are not rich and your suddenly became rich?
We have all read the horror stories and seen the statistics. According to a Readers Digest Article,
Life after winning the lottery may not stay glamorous forever. Whether they win $500 million or $1 million, about 70 percent of lotto winners lose or spend all that money in five years or less.
There is a difference in setting a goal and becoming a millionaire verses winning a million dollars. I have convinced the reason most people never become millinoaires is they never set a goal to become a millionaire! Sounds simple, but based upon my own personal experience I believe that to be a true statement.
Honestly, that is the subject for another time and place, but needless to say the first thing a lottery winner should be required to do is read RICH DAD – POOR DAD, and even better idea they should have to read the book and do an essay on it before they could cliam their lottery winnings!

Someone on asked, “I’m going to a luxury hotel. How do I maximize the resources there?”Look at this excellent response. |
In my opinion the best thing you can do is make certain you are flying to and staying at the result by securing the absoluely lowest possible price available. That is the real secret, and if you know what you are doing you can beat the price of every travel site – everytime. I do, and here is how. BEAT THE PRICE OF EVERY TRAVEL WEBSITE – EVERYTIME. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW! |
At a certain level, you don’t spend money to scrape the most ROI off the bone. You spend it to create memories. When I married my wife Dawn, I told her, I only spend money on two things. Personal Education, and Memories. Here’s another great Reddit thread I came across a while ago where people asked, “If you were suddenly rich, what small luxury would you indulge in?” WHAT I LOVE: The question lets you imagine what you would do if you had the time and money to get essentially anything. What would it be for you? Daily massage? Someone to clean your house? Hire a personal cheff? Do all your lawn work? Do these things sound awesome… or feel sorta uncomfortable? What would be awesome for you at this time and place in your life? As we get older those desires, wants and needs definately change. WHAT I DON’T LOVE: After engaging in the fantasy for a minute, people wipe their hands, saying, “Well, that was fun but it’ll never happen! Back to the grind…” without stopping for a second and saying, “Hey, wait a sec. What could I do to get that kind of freedom? “It’s bad to tell yourself, “That will never happen.”What you should ask is, “What would it take to make that happen?”It’s not about cutting back on lattes. |
I can’t imagine, at the end of my life, being satisfied with having cut back on lattes. I want to grow. I want to go out with friends, use my time and money to live a Rich Life with my family, and be generous with the resources I have. Most people think of a dream as something you fantasize about, then go back to the real world. No! What seems crazy now can seem ordinary later — if you put the work in.Now, I know what it feels like to have your life grow past your wildest expectations, if happend for me and it is possible for anyone if you aline yourself with the right opportunity, right team, at the right time in history, and go to work! I’d like to ask you to tell me something: What was your dream when you were a kid? (For example, mine was ordering appetizers off a menu.) What’s your dream now? DREAM BIG. Don’t just say “a million dollars.” Tell me if you want a profitable business (and what that would mean to you). Get specific! Contact me directly at 770 -499 -2061 and I can hook you up today with the #1 income generating business plan I have seen in 40 years, or better yet you can just check out the evaluation links here, and sell yourself, then contact me with your questions. Think this is all smoke and mirrors? Check out the success stories here: |