I appreciate the readers of this blog and the clients and customers we
have around the world. Every week on on our Thursday No Fluff
Generic Training webinars we have people from all over the world
who attend live and many more who watch the replays.
Today in America is the Memorial Day Holiday where we stop and
give thanks for our freedom and the men and women who have
served in the armed forces.
About 15 years ago I had a consulting and training
contract with a Juice company out of Dallas, Texas.
I was doing weekend Super Saturday training events
for their distributors around the United States. One
summer I had the opportunity to travel with one of their
top leaders, his name was Bill Pike.
Here is a picture of Bill and his wife I… Continue reading
There is no money in being ELVIS in your business. It is not about you, it is
about what can be duplicated by those on your team! Generational wealth is
created with the network marketing business model by developing leaders on
your team!
Key question.
What are your foundational systems and the process you take new leads through?
If the above video training made sense, I suggest you also check out the
recorded webinar at: www.MLMHelp.com/sponsormore
Let me be as clear as possible. If any network marketing leader, guru, rock star, upline, downline, or anyone else is trying to convince you, you should start a blog ……….. THEY ARE MORE INTERESTED IN SELLING YOU SOMETHING than providing you proper direction to build your team!
If this is unsettling to you, I hope you will read every word of this article with a 1/2 way open mind. For most network marketing distributors to achieve their real potential with this business model, they must Wake UP! The market is full of wolf’s in sheep’s clothing telling you exactly what you want to hear, so they can sell you what they want to sell you.
I guess it was Empower Network that convinced the masses a few years back… Continue reading
I get emails daily from customers and clients that have drank the Kool-aide.
Someone they perceive to be a Network Marketing Leader has sold them that they must BUILD THEIR BRAND on social media before they can build their network marketing team. (And oh yes, join this affiliate program so you have something to sell to the 97% of people you talk to that won’t be interested)
This misguided story has not changed much since I wrote the 7 Lies of Attraction Marketing a few years ago.
At the time this book was originally published, everyone was pushing newbies to the various affiliate programs, Google and other paid ad platforms. Today, the internet has been replaced with Social Media.
When new distributors are told to go on YouTube, start a blog, join every social media platform and… Continue reading
The subject of this weeks No Fluff online training is …..
(The webinaris over but keep reading to learn how to get free access)
The longer I am involved in network marketing, the more I am convinced as a business model we make it ten times harder to build a team than it needs to be. Make no mistake about it, I think building a large duplicating organization of people is one of the most challenging undertakings a person can tackle. It is challenging enough, even when you are not continuously shooting yourself in the foot.
The essence of building a team really comes down to this –
You are simply looking for the RIGHT PERSON at the RIGHT TIME in THEIR LifeClick To TweetYou need to… Continue reading
In my opinion the reason many people join you network marketing team, but never take action is FEAR of REJECTION or Fear of Failure. These are very real emotions that countless numbers of people experience every day. As a network marketing leader, you need to cut through the layers of excuses you hear before you are going to be able to help your team members conquer these fears.
10 Signs Your Team Member Might Have a Fear of Failure
The following are not official diagnostics—but if you feel that these criteria are very characteristic of you (very being an important distinguishing marker, since as we all feel these things to some extent), you might want to help your team member examine the issues further.
10 Signs You Suffer from Fear of Failure.
1. Failing makes… Continue reading
Building a Network Marketing business takes a tremendous amounts of time, energy, and effort. I believe one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is am I looking for a way to make money, or do I want to build a real business?
There are multiple ways to make money. There is probably more opportunity today to make money than at any time in history. Yes some education is required. There are multiple ways to create a few hundreds extra dollars in cash if that is what you are looking for. Yes, many companies allow you to market their products and create additional income, however in my opinion, if this is your goal there are easier ways.
Consider this, if you market network marketing products you have to find customers, that is what you are paid for.… Continue reading