In my opinion the reason many people join you network marketing team, but never take action is FEAR of REJECTION or Fear of Failure. These are very real emotions that countless numbers of people experience every day. As a network marketing leader, you need to cut through the layers of excuses you hear before you are going to be able to help your team members conquer these fears.
10 Signs Your Team Member Might Have a Fear of Failure
The following are not official diagnostics—but if you feel that these criteria are very characteristic of you (very being an important distinguishing marker, since as we all feel these things to some extent), you might want to help your team member examine the issues further.
10 Signs You Suffer from Fear of Failure.
1. Failing makes you worry about what other people think about you.
2. Failing makes you worry about your ability to pursue the future you desire.
3. Failing makes you worry that people will lose interest in you.
4. Failing makes you worry about how smart or capable you are.
5. Failing makes you worry about disappointing people whose opinion you value.
6. You tend to tell people beforehand that you don’t expect to succeed in order to lower their expectations.
7. Once you fail at something, you have trouble imagining what you could have done differently to succeed.
8. You often get last-minute headaches, stomach aches, or other physical symptoms that prevent you from completing your preparation.
9. You often get distracted by tasks that prevent you from completing your preparation which, in hindsight, were not as urgent as they seemed at the time.
10. You tend to procrastinate and “run out of time” to complete you preparation adequately.
It is my personal belief that the way to help people get past their fear of failure and fear of rejection is by expanding their COMFORT ZONE. I will go as far as saying as a network marketing leader, it is your responsibility to do everything you possibly can to help people get beyond the self limiting beliefs about themselves and over come the negative emotions of fear of failure and fear of rejection.
I recently did a webinar on this subject, you can access it at no cost by clicking the button below:
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