I found this article below very interesting. From my prospective when
you read between the lines, it says to me more people are starting
to depend more on “Self Education” instead of “Formal Education”
Many of you know this is a concept I have been talking about for years,
and wrote a book on this topic that we published back in February of 2012.
Jim Rohn said it best.

This article originally appeared in The Hustle daily email newsletter. I can’t recommend it highly enough.
For decades, the workforce has been divided by the colors of its collars.
You’ve got “white-collar” jobs (AKA desk jobs), and you’ve got “blue-collar” jobs, which usually entail manual labor — think construction, landscaping, and food services.
But according to The Wall Street Journal, a combination of macro factors have led to a… Continue reading
A recent article published in multiple business publication last week including Forbes stated that up to 40% of the population will be changing jobs, and professions the remainder of this year and throughout 2020. Dave Ramsey talked about it on his recent radio show here:
People were forced out of their comfort zone with covid, and the fact that they were able to make it through gives people courage to get out of their comfort zone and take on other challenges that can move their life forward.
The real question is will 40% of Network Marketers be changing companies? Honestly, I believe those are sincerely interested in developing a huge duplicating a team and legacy income, will be changing companies.
Because the past 5 years or so most new people that have been entering the profession have… Continue reading
updated 3/2020
In this article I want to share so thoughts on Network Marketing Team Building Strategies. My hope is that they stimulate thought for you. So what do you really asking?
I feel it is important that you understand, where ever you are right now in your network marketing team building journey, YOU CAN BECOME BETTER, more skilled, more value focused, a better communicator, more disciplined, more scheduled, and so on and so forth. The business is not going to become any easier because we are dealing with people! I have said it many times, network marketing is the most challenging business model in the world.
Our real product is people. I have heard it said once that man as an individual is very unpredictable; man in the masses is very predictable. Knowing this, you should develop your business around this truth so you can stack the odds in your favor. This was really the philosophy around the Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire course.
Network Marketers you must understand, everything is about understanding people, the way they think, and building your marketing strategies to stack the odds in your favor. I am not talking about manipulating people or convincing them to do something they don’t want to do.
Professional network marketers, help people figure out what they REALLY WANT and a game plan to achieving those goals.
Will every marketing strategy work perfectly, every time? Of course not! If it did, there would be any money in our type of marketing structure. This business pays for consistent solid, long term performance. So be patient and become a great student if you want to build a strong business.
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No matter how counter intuitive it
may seem, Asking How to Build a Network
Marketing Business is never the right
question. The more important question
is Why?
This question is where all intelligent
network marketing leaders START.
If you have found this page then
the odds are you have heard us
talk about the concept.
“Until You Know Why the How Doesn’t
Matter” in our Start Right MLM program,
MLM Training Club CD or on one of our
generic NO Fluff Webinars.
You can download the PDF our students us to
help their new team members identify WHY they
want to build a team, by click here:
20 Reasons Top 3 Forms
I cannot stress how important this step
is. It is always the first activity leaders
should have new people do. … Continue reading
You just sponsored a new distributor. What is the first thing you do?
If you have listened to any of our training programs over the past 25 years, this answer is easy. Those of you that are MLM Training Club Members also know Steps 2-3-4-5 etc.
STEP ONE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL ALWAYS BE: Establish why you are building a business. “Until You Know WHY the HOW Doesn’t Matter.”
Network marketers love to quote Zig Ziglar – “You can have anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” However, how many people actually know specifically exactly why the top distributors on their team are building a business? How many distributors have a systematic way to help distributors on their team establish their WHY?
You can find the link for… Continue reading
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Yes I appreciate Christmas and the real meaning behind the commercialization but Thanksgiving is my favorite. Over the years I have learned how to be thankful and ambitious at the same time. Jim Rohn was the first person I heard talking about this concept of being thankful and ambitious.
For many people it is one or the other, but learning to be both will make a positive impact for you and those you care about.
My main reason for this post is just to say THANK YOU!
If it wasn’t for YOU, I wouldn’t get to do what I do for a living.
Nothing is more frightening to me than the thought of being stuck somewhere to a job that I can’t stand. Thankfully I walked out of IBM in 1985 and have never had… Continue reading