Monthly Archives: August 2012


"Stop chasing skills and start building systems. Learn to outsource work to the highest performing/lowest price option. People with skills work for rich people with ideas" 
Jim Cockrum 

As many of you know, I have over 100 different websites in various niche markets and to date, I have not built one of them. I don't even know how to design a banner ad.  My technical skills are very limited.  I can do basic task, but nothing else, and my lack of knowledge in
this area is by design.  To not become self-educated in the techical aspects was a conscious decision on my part.

Yes many times over the years I have considered taking a course on html programming, or website design but I have reframed. My personal education time is better spent testing marketing and lead generation ideas than it… Continue reading »

If you are a regualr reader of this blog, you know I am constantly
testing new lead generation and business models.  You also
know that one of my favorite business models for the past year
and a half has been Kindle books.

A friend of mine is getting ready to launch a kindle book
live online.   He is making some outrageous claims, but
I am going to watch and you should to.

He's had over 50,000 of his Kindle eBooks downloaded in
the last 30 days or so and has built a kindle publishing
business from scratch.

Here's exactly how he did it:


So far he's put thousands of people on niche mailing lists,
and has readers begging formore.

This FREE report explains why this works and why you should jump
into this head first.


Go… Continue reading »

The one tool that every network marketer should
be using, everyday!

If you are involved in network marketing, this is simply a mandatory tool.
Drop cards are like the American express card, “Don’t leave home without

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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