It’s getting harder and harder to find real mentors.
I look around, and the majority of what’s out there today are the blind leading the blind.
People just don’t do their due diligence anymore.
They blindly accept what they’ve been told without verifying its efficacy.
Let me share with you 3 magic words my grandpa gave to me that will serve you well:
“Trust, but verify!”
You cannot take the risk of accepting information at face value.
It was bad enough with person to person conversations but social media has poured gas on the idiot fire!
For sensationalism, people take what they heard yesterday, from yet another nitwit, put their spin on it, and pump it out as content.
There’s the concept of lining up 30 people in a circle, whispering a sentence to the person next to… Continue reading
“Time management is the Best Kept Secret of the Rich”
Jim Rohn
Every time I consult with a leader or mlm corporate VP I try to stress the same point. “Repetition is the key to learning”.
I am shocked at the number of intelligent, successful people who don’t really grasp this universal truth.
In today’s “do everything online” marketing world, it seems that many personal & business development truths of the past are being forgotten.
Methods consistently change, however personal development and business laws never do. They are the same today as they were 30+ years ago when I started and they will be the same 30 years from now. Truth is Truth!
That is why classic books like Think and Grow Rich are as true today as they were… Continue reading
Dawn and I just got back from an awesome 7-Day Caribbean cruise. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary; we actually got married four years ago on a cruise ship.
When we got married I told her, I only spend money on two things… memories and personal education.
Years ago I bought into the concept that you should learn to live on 70% of your income, Tithe 10%, Save 10% and Invest 10% on your own personal development and education.
When I look at the network marketing industry, it is shocking to me how many “leaders” don’t invest in their own education. Maybe network marketing leaders should be forced to have continuing education as doctors, financial planners and other professionals are required to do.
I have the opportunity to train at different Super Saturday events… Continue reading
Network Marketing is one of the only business models, that requires more than just skill sets. Most network marketing leaders will tell you that it is more important to learn the correct mindsets.
This is something network marketing professionals really need to take into consideration when developing their team.
The truth is without the correct mindsets, all the skill set training in world will not create success in network marketing. The fact that network marketing requires a specific set of minds sets is what makes the business so challenging for 97% of the population. When you have the correct mindsets the pressure is gone, that fear of failure is removed, the day-to-day frustrations become fascinatnig instead of frustrating and you can progress forward.
I wanted to quit the business every day my first three years. Most of… Continue reading
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The Concept of Personal Education
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This week I have had an epiphany. At 52 years old, those don’t come around that often and when they do, well it is kind of exciting. It is not quite a paradigm shift, but they feel almost as good.
The definition of epiphany is: a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
This week I had several in depth conversations with four different six figure network marketers and one company owner, all whom had NEVER BEEN IN THE INDUSTRY BEFORE.
I can tell you after over thirty years in the network marketing industry, it is hard for me to have five in depth conversations with people that are not involved in network… Continue reading