Podcasts from Dale Calvert and Network Marketing Support Services Inc.
“If you are a serious, career minded network marketing distributor, this is the one page on this website that will give you access to more FREE, valuable no fluff, MLM business building information than $10,000 worth of any network marketing training programs available in the market. Please don’t breeze over this page” Tina Reagan
Why 3 Network Marketing Podcasts?
If you are a learner, an information seeker, a podcast listener, a deep thinker… let me try to communicate why the information I cover in these 3 Network Marketing podcast will be different than the normal training you are exposed to. I feel it is important that you know, I don’t need to pay my bills selling you training programs. I am not going to be promoting the latest greatest lead generation, blogging platform, facebook live training or anything simular. My podcast are not pitches described as the best network marketing podcast in the world.
The last thing I want for you to do is invest in training programs or other products until you need them. I believe this business is mastered sequentially.
Those of you who have heard my story know that I don’t think there is anyway I could have gotten through the emotional ups and downs of building a network marketing team, if it had not been for cassette tapes and a Sony Walkman. I have understood that from almost the beginning of my career.
It wasn’t until 35 years later that I understood that I was blessed to have been given an opportunity that 99.999% of network marketers never received.
This ultimately gave a 20 year old kid that knew he knew nothing about developing a marketing team insights that most people are unable to receive because of their natural talents and skills. Let me explain further.
Those that can create a team of people with the skill sets and mindsets they enter the industry with have weaker teams because most of the people on their team don’t enter the industry with those skill sets and mindsets. If you stop and think about it that really makes sense doesn’t it. We tend to think everyone has the natural talents, skills, credibility, family support, that we do when we enter the industry. The truth is we are all different so therefore only SELF LEARNED SKILLS AND MINDSETS CAN BE TAUGHT AND DUPLICATED.
If that concept doesn’t totally click in your mind right now, I talk much more about this in multiple post and videos on this website. I visit this idea often in our podcast. I understand that is a statement leaders don’t like to hear. However if you stop and think about it, that makes common sense, doesn’t it?
Having the opportunity to learn from successful personal development thought leaders like Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Norman Vincent Peal, Zig Ziglar, and many others made a powerful impact me when I first started. I was a 20 year old kid, from a small town in Kentucky.
I also had the opportunity to learn from the top leaders in companies like Shaklee, Amway, Mary Kay, and Herbalife. During my first 3 years in network marketing I listened to over 7,500 hours of audio training. To put that in prospective, if a person listened to 2 hours of training a day, 5 days a week, it would take about 14 years to consume the amount of training I was fortune to hear my first 3 years.
In October of 1983 something happened to me that transformed the rest of my network marketing career. I had to be at IBM in Lexington, Kentucky on a Saturday morning at 6:00 AM to work six hours of overtime.
When I arrived and got to my work area, I realized that I really didn’t remember my 20 minute drive there. I had arrived a little early. I sat down at my work bench, and the only way I can describe it is that my subconscious mind opened up and started pouring into my conscious mind what I called at the time PHASE ONE EVALUATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM. I grabbed scrap cardboard and a pencil and started writing as fast as I could. My mind was flooded with what I call today THE 5 CORE PRINCIPLES OF NETWORK MARKETING.
When I got home I took the notes and typed up the complete system. At that point, in October of 1983, the best way I would describe myself is a determined yet frustrated network marketer. After we implemented the system, in 1984 we were recognized at the companies annual convention as one of the Top 5 organizations for group volume. (“Leadership moves products, distributors come and go”)
The next year in 1986, two of the top 5 award winners in the company were front line to me. I have made a few minor changes to the system(s) over the years as technology has provided new lead generation methods, however the REAL PRODUCT in network marketing always has been and always will be PEOPLE! “If you build people, people will build the business.”
It is very humbling to know that these systems have been used by top income earners from multiple companies around the world.
I said all of that to say this. In the mid nineties, when I watched the industry start to compete with itself & get away from the foundational principles to build duplicating teams, I became very frustrated.
Finally in 1999 – 2000 after earning millions of dollars building teams, I sold all my interest to pursue other business interest. I know there were other ways for me to support entrepreneur minded people. However, the best way to describe what happen is, the industry wouldn’t let me go.
As soon as I announced my retirement from building teams, my phone started ringing with consulting and training opportunities that I had never anticipated, expected or even wanted. My goal was never to be a keynote speaker, teacher, trainer or consultant. However, I have been blessed to have been able to travel all over the world and share my team building systems & mindsets.
In July of 2015, for the first time in my life, I made the DECISION to build Network Marketing Support Services. There are multiple reasons that I will share one day, but one of those reasons was my personal discovery of podcasts.
Here is what I understand and this really fires me up. Podcast listeners are learners! Podcasts are giving people around the world the opportunity I had listening to my Walkman back in 1980 when I started.
Why 3 Podcasts Dale?
Because I sincerely believe this business model must be learned SEQUENTIALLY.
You cannot learn how to multiply and divide until you learn how to add and subtract. The challenge today, is people simply have access to too much information. That is why you must focus on learning, processes, (systems), instead of random tips, tricks, funnels, and hacks. Does that make sense?
We have been teaching very specific systems for over thirty years.
- How to Launch Your Business
- Customer Acquisition what I call “Retail to Recruit”
- Two Step Play 1 Play 2 Recruiting System
- The Distributor Retention System
- Dozens of lead generation Systems.
Over the years, franchises have taught us that systems can be duplicated. Your personal skill sets, can’t be. We are all unique people, with different talents, skills, and abilities. Some of them were developed, some are God given, were born with them.
If you depend upon the skill sets and mindsets you entered the network marketing business model with to build a duplicating team the only way you can possibly grow is to find others with a unique set of transferable skills.
I wouldn’t suggest leaving your success dependent upon transferable skills. The word picture I use is I want to teach people have to operate their McDonalds, and teach others to do the same, not just how to take orders and use the cash register.
So for that reason, we offer 3 different podcast, depending on where you are on your personal journey in this profession.
This Podcast is not a weekly show, it is actually a 12 Lesson Course that teaches principles and concepts that new distributors need to understand and internalize. Many of the leaders we work with in various companies suggest that all new members on their team subscribe to this podcast after they join their team.
This podcast is designed for all network marketers. I know in the beginning of my career Success Stories from distributors not just in the company I was with (Shaklee), but those from Amway, Herbalife and Mary Kay distributors KEPT ME IN THE GAME. Over the years, I have met a lot of people whose stories need to be told. That was really my motivation behind this podcast
If you know someone we should interview, you can recommend them at MLMSuccess.com If you doubt the duplicatable systems that we teach work, there is no better proof than the first 7 episodes of this podcast.
Yes, I understand that there are many shallow thinkers who think network marketing is different today. That is like saying classic books like Think & Grow Rich are not valid today. Real leaders understand that network marketing in not about their personal income or the latest marketing hack, or social media platform. It is not about you, it is about the development of a team.
As Zig Ziglar shared with the world years ago.
Many people think success in network marketing depends upon funnels, followers, marketing hacks, branding, and other misguided concepts being taught today. Listen, I am all for branding, marketing, funnels, followers, etc as it relates to TRADITIONAL BUSINESS. However network marketing is different. THE REAL PRODUCT IS PEOPLE …… Well trained distributors!
I don’t care how great a marketer you are, if your team doesn’t duplicate you will never reach your full upside potential. If you want everything to be dependent of you, then sale Yachts, at least you will earn high commissions.
If somebody joins your team because they know you, like you, and trust you, what are the odds they will actually TAKE ANY KIND OF A C T I O N, after they join? It is hard to say, but in many ways network marketing has become a big party, a social club! This business model has very little to do with “getting them in” and everything to do with keeping them in and helping them move forward through your companies leadership/compensation plan!
Honestly, this podcast is to challenge career- minded network marketing “Leaders” to re-evaluate the way they are DEVELOPING the future leaders on their team.
The sad but true fact is, that after someone works their fanny off building a six figure income in the Network Marketing industry ….. the odds are greater that they will be totally out of the business in 5 years, than they will be earning a million dollar annual income.
I have said many times, my income went from $252,000 to 1.1 million to 3.3 million to 3.8 million a year BY DESIGN, AND ON PURPOSE.
I know exactly how it happened and how any leader can duplicate it if they are willing to implement common sense and real world, TEAM BUILDING SYSTEMS.
What I am getting ready to share with you is more important than I feel capable of expressing in words. I am going to say it as straight up as I can, and I sincerely hope you hear this in the spirit in which it is intended. I believe that every entrepreneur should have multiple success mentors.
I believe that all SELF-MADE successful people involved in any business model ALL THINK THE SAME WAY, they understand the power of self talk, programming your mind for success, and take responsibility for their own path in life.
A Confused Mind Does Nothing!
I know one of the biggest challenges network marketers experience today is who are they going to learn their network marketing team building systems from?
My suggestion is, find your mentor based upon their track record. Listening to someone because you like their personality or any other reason than DOCUMENTED TRACK RECORD is the number one reason that so many awesome people have entered and left the industry over the past 15 years.
One you are in the wrong culture or wrong environment it is hard to break through, and rethink. This is so evident today because the general public thinks when you join a network marketing company you must spam your social media accounts 5 times a day.
People leave the Big Training events excited, but more confused than when they arrived.
I sincerely believe this!
Those who succeed in corporate America were taught by professors. Entrepreneurs are taught by mentors. Have ONE Network Marketing mentor. Choose them based upon track record.
Look in your upline. Don’t just seek those making money. Seek those who have taught others to building duplicating teams.
Those who have made a six figure income in the network marketing profession are a dime a dozen.
Yes, I hope you will consider Network Marketing Support Services. If you consider us or not, that is your decision. If you plug into our podcast and training webinars you will quickly see that we are not interested in creating an audience that knows us, likes us, and trust us.
I have never been accused of stroking egos or telling people what they want to hear. For me it has always been about helping the 27%ers stack the odds for success in their favor. I understand what these people need at a level it haunts me, because I personally needed it.
No I am not promising you Fu Fu dust a secret formulas your upline & company doesn’t want you to know about.
I do believe that if you are teachable, that I can help you get where you want to go quicker than any generic teacher in the world.
Not because I am special , but because when I started nobody in their right mind would have bet on me to be a multi-million dollar earner.
I have traveled the road your traveling, systematized the processes and developed more five and six figure earners on my personal team than any generic teacher or podcast show producer on the planet. I understand the real product is YOU!
Success doesn’t come from finding the right people, it comes from becoming the right person.
I know the back stories of almost every generic network marketing trainers in the industry. The sad truth is some built a following, but most NEVER BUILT DUPLICATING TEAMS, or were what the Music Industry would call “One Hit Wonders.”
I am not saying they are bad people, or that 80% of what they teach is not based upon solid wisdom of the ages Success Principles. However, I cannot name one, that has a deep understanding of the concept of LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT.
Self proclaimed gurus are constantly talking about finding leaders. When you shift your mindset from the concept of finding leaders to developing what I call home grown leaders ….. this shift in your thinking can transform your business.
So find a pinnacle leadership mentor who understands the concept of team building and leadership development. I get in more depth about this concept here and I believe it will be time well spent.
I have already shared with you more information than your probably needed to know. 🙂 Marketers will tell you I have given you too many options as far as webinars and other free content we make available. Yes, I understand that, but my motivation is to provide real impact with every article I write, webinar I do and network marketing podcast I produce. Your time is the most valuable asset you have, I am not going to waste your time.
I believe income in any business, including Network Marketing Support Service, is in direct proportion to the value you provide to the market that you serve. I am glad that people in the profession are starting to look behind the curtain and ask intelligent questions, like did this network marketing gurus make their money building teams, or selling stuff to network marketers who didn’t know any better?
As some one said to me last week:
“Dale, the free content you have available at www.MLMHelp.com has helped my business move progress more than the $11,000 worth of seminars and training programs I spent with the wrong gurus last year.”
My response, “that is my goal, provide more valuable free content on MLMHelp.com than most people charge for.” However the real solution is every bit of personal education you invest in is never wasted. Sometimes those seminars and training programs, help us recognize the real deal when we find it.
So I hope you will bookmark this website, and come back when you have time to really focus, and learn. In the top right hand corner is a search box. Almost any topic you can think about relating to the network marketing profession you will find on this website. We have been online since the mid 90’s and we are adding new, fresh, content weekly.
If you feel I am coming across too strong, or even egotistical, I understand, I may be thinking the same thing if this was my first visit here. However you have read this far for a reason.
The truth is just the opposite. I value your time, it is the most valuable asset any of us have. I understand the road to the development of proper skill sets and mindsets. I had none of the skills necessary when I started, and I know if I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!
If nothing else, it should be obvious at this point, that I am not about making a lot of promises, and giving you a lot of pie in the sky, me too, content.
Check out our podcast. If you are a serious, career minded distributor who wants to get beyond the all the chatter in the market place, I believe you will find what you are looking for here.