I appreciate the readers of this blog and the clients and customers we
have around the world.  Every week on on our Thursday No Fluff
Generic Training webinars we have people from all over the world
who attend live and many more who watch the replays.

Today in America is the Memorial Day Holiday where we stop and
give thanks for our freedom and the men and women who have
served in the armed forces.

About 15 years ago I had a consulting and training
contract with a Juice company out of Dallas, Texas.

I was doing weekend Super Saturday training events
for their distributors around the United States.  One
summer I had the opportunity to travel with one of their
top leaders, his name was Bill Pike.

Here is a picture of Bill and his wife I found online.












We traveled every weekend to a different city.
When we walked through airports, every time Bill
saw a service man or women in uniform
he would walk up to them shake their hand and say

“I appreciate your service, let me buy your
lunch, and hand them a $20 bill”

After watching  Bill do this over and over all summer
I decided to adopt this practice, and have been doing
this ever since.  (Some of us are slow learners)

I know this activity has done more for me as a person than
the meal I bought meant for the service person.  However
it is not about the meal, it is about the moment.

Watching young men and womens eyes light up, and a
smile spread across their face really is priceless.

Today I felt compelled to share this simple act, that
anyone can do in hope that 
some of you will adopt this
practice.  I appreciate Mr.
Pike for setting the example
for me.

I haven’t seen or talked to Bill in years, but his positive
example has been a blessing to me.

“We keep that which we give away”
Dr. Forrest Shaklee



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MLMHelp.com has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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