I want to share with you a goal setting tweak, that most people have never really thought about or heard. I first heard it from a personal development trainer years ago that was speaking at an auto dealership convention. I had bought the audios on eBay, and I cannot remember the speakers name, but this one idea was worth 1,000 times whatever I paid for the audio program.


















Someday I will update this article because I like to give credit where credit is due. I am sure I have this audio set in my warehouse somewhere. . I hope this concept will be a brain tweak for you. Every Success principle student understands the importance of goal setting, the importance of KNOWING WHY and WRITING IT DOWN is indisputable.


In 1980 after starting to build my first team, I eventually accepted the reality that we all had to have goals (REASONS). We have to know what we are working towards. What we want? Earl Nightingale shared this in his 1960 that recording “The Strangest Secret”.  After hearing thought leaders of the day over and over say you have to write down your goals, I finally took action.


Now here is the concept, this is the tweak and it absolutely made all the difference in the world for me as it relates to setting goals. I have shared this concept with team members and personal coaching clients over the years who have also experienced an immediate impact.

My goal was to quit IBM. That was my goal to quit IBM and operate my own business. If you have a pen, this concept is worth writing down because I don’t want you to read this article and then forget this concept. If you currently have goals written, I hope this makes and immediate impact.


“You cannot work towards the reverse of an idea”


You have to work towards what you want, not away from what you don’t want.’’
So, you have to work towards what you want and not away from what you don’t want. I was working to quit my job, that’s pretty negative. My mind always said that I want to quit my job and a lot of you reading this may have a similar goal.
What I realized is that I have to work towards what I want. So how am I able to quit my job? The answer was to create a $5,000 monthly income with my business. I changed my focus, self-talk, and mindset. Every day I told myself, I am going to create a $5,000 month income, do it consistently, and leave IBM.


When I started working towards what I wanted (A $5,000 Monthly Income) & Not away from what I didn’t want (Quit my job) my frustration levels dropped.


I was focusing towards earning $5000 a month instead of focusing on quitting my job. This changed my demeanor, my attitude, my focus, my motivations, it changed everything. Actually back then, I used to get my commission checks from my company, they were about $2,000. I used a product some of you will remember called white out and replaced the $2,000 with $5,000.  This check was on my bathroom mirror and part of my Goal Board.
You cannot work towards the reverse of an idea, think about it, internalize it, it will make a difference in your goal setting process the rest of your business career.


As always your comments and feedback are appreciated!

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