Feature Article
The article below was originally published in the
July 2003 Issue of our MLM Help Ezine.
Dale Calvert
I was sitting in church last Wednesday night, and
during the announcements one of our associate
pastors, PT Kemper was brought up to address
the congregation.
PT explained how the church was trying to raise
money to re-do the nursery. He then went on
to explain how that afternoon a young man from
Tennessee had stopped by the church with a
product that was the next best thing since
“Snake Oil”.
Those of you with a background or knowledge
of the Shaklee Corporation have probably heard
of Basic H. It is a phenomenal product with
1001 uses, everything from brushing your teeth,
to putting a few drops in your cake batter to
moisten your cake.
Farmers even swear that if you mixed it in
your irrigation system your crops would grow
better! The product the young man was selling
was called “Upper Hand” All Purpose Cleaner
and is similar to Basic H.
Over the years most of you have probably had
a door-to-door sales person stop by selling a
similar type product.
Evidently, PT and our pastor took this young
man around to every spot in the church that
had been deemed “Uncleanable” and no test
was too hard and no spot too tough for this
“magic potion” to remove.
To make a long story short, PT decided to
invest his own money in the entire inventory
the young man had, with the idea to resale it
to church members to raise money for the
Knowing our pastor, what probably happened
was he made a statement to the young man,
something like “If you can get out “granddaddy
spot” I will buy all you have, because I have
been looking at “granddaddy spot” for 10 years!
Can you imagine how the kid felt as he left
the church with no product and a pocket
full of money?
So here PT was in front of the church, a few
hours later with several cases of potion
purchased, to “talk about” in 2 minutes what
he had personally “seen, witness and
experienced” that afternoon.
to that again in a minute.
As PT was trying to explain the unexplainable,
I got tickled as I realized this is exactly what
so many new distributors do. They experience
the entire recruiting PROCESS.
They see a video; they attend a local meeting
or listen in on a conference call. They are then
placed on a 3-way with a competent upline
associate, and perhaps they even attend a
live training seminar or company event.
After the process, after they have had the
opportunity to see, hear and experience the
potential and value of the opportunity,
they make a decision.
However, when they are ready to start
prospecting, recruiting and building their
organization, do they give their prospects
the same opportunity to EXPERIENCE the
same recruiting process?
Do they go through a specific, systematic
series of events?
Such as:
Play 1 Video
Play 2 Conference Call
Play 3 3-Way with Upline
Play 4 Live event
Unfortunately, more often than
not, the answer is NO.
They immediately go out and run
off their best prospects trying to
explain the entire program in two
They never give their prospects
the opportunity to hear the
whole story & experience the
They then come back and inform
us that they “talked to” 9 people
and nobody was interested. How
predictable is that? My response
is always the same.
“I tried to warn you not to talk
or try to explain, just to hand
out the video! Now with the next
9 people, shut up and just hand
them the videotape.
As PT was going through his
2-minute sales, pitch I was
laughing. Not at him, but at
the predictability of people.
He noticed me, and made some
comment such as Mr. Calvert is
back there laughing, maybe this
is a hoax.
Now think about this, this is very
important. What happened to PT
was the exact same thing that
happens to new people when they
enter the market place….doubt creeps
in their mind.
PT Witnessed truth! He saw the
“granddaddy spot” removed. He saw the
Snake Oil work with his own two eyes, yet
he mistakenly read my reaction, which
immediately created doubt.
The exact thing happens to your new
distributors when they enter the
market place.
Many of you have heard me talk about
the 4 beliefs that must be developed in
new distributors.
(Company, products, industry and themselves)
You have also heard me talk about how we
are all made up of Opinions, Attitudes and Beliefs.
Pt had a positive opinion about the product, but
that opinion had not had time to develop into an
attitude, much less a belief. So any “perceived”
resistance or negativity immediately started to
sway his opinion and create doubt.
The exact same thing happens to our new
associates! As leaders we must develop our
belief strong enough that our new members
can rely on our belief system until they have
time to develop their own.
I hope you also understand that 90% of your
distributors, who quit your organization, quit
in the first 72 hours. Maybe they don’t announce
to you that they have quit. However mentally and
psychologically they go out into the market place,
DO EVERYTHING WRONG, and then doubt creeps
in and mentally they are DONE!
If you want to be a better leader for your people
than 95% of the network marketers in the world,
here is my advice. We teach a concept we call
Monitor New Distributors.
The first 10 business prospects they contact, and
the first 20 retail sales, you need to be there to
direct them play-by-play, step-by-step.
Too bad the kid from Tennessee didn’t have a
long term, repeat customer mentality. If he knew
of PT’s plans to raise money for the church nursery
he should have hung around and volunteered to
do the pitch for PT in front of the congregation.
Then if he were smart, he would have labels on
each bottle saying:
Mr. Tennessee
Mr. Tennessee’s Phone#
You must be there for your new distributors
immediately; before doubt sinks too deep in
their mind. It is your responsibility to make
certain that they are giving their prospects
the opportunity to go through a specific,
systematic series of events and not
a 2-minute spill!
I really felt bad that PT misread the meaning
of my amusement. I must say he did recover
nicely. As he walked back up the isle from
the front of the church he tossed the bottle
in my lap and said, “there, I have just sold
the first bottle”.
Now that I think about it, I still haven’t paid
him his 30 bucks yet. I need to do that!
I did pay PT and helped him sell a couple of
bottles. I feel this story is a classic in the
predictability of people.