One of the biggest mistakes all marketers make is they expect big results with small numbers. One of the number one questions I receive is what percent of the people who land on my website should opt in for my information.

Honestly, there are many factors, most of which I have never paid a lot of attention to (my mistake) like
*where the visitors come from
*Value of give away, etc. etc.

For websites, these have been my base number for years, I think I originally got this from Internet Marketer Marlon Sanders.

A good rule of thumb:

If you convert…
– 1%: You are doing “fine”
– 2%: You are doing well
– Anything above 2%: You are doing very well

If you are doing 10%+, you are almost doing “too well,” meaning you could probably raise your price, expand your funnel, etc.

Again, these are ballpark #s for network marketing companies. But these numbers turn out to be eerily accurate in many industries and products.

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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