I just had an email from a friend, saying this YouTube video was
worth taking a look at:
and it is! It is not earth shattering, but it is inspirational
and the message is based upon the truth and wisdom of
the ages.
This is what blows my mind.
As most of you knows, YouTube allows you to vote
video’s up or down. Like most of you when I see something
that will inspire people I will vote it UP.
It has to be horrible or an outright lie, for me to ever vote it
down, I would just say nothing, or express nothing, before I
vote a video down.
The video rankings at the time of this writing blew my mind:
1,367 likes, 131 dislikes
131 dislikes?
It is sad to think that someone is so disgusted with their
own life that they would take the time to dislike anything
up beat and positive.
Worse than that, this poor soul actually made this comment:
this did nothing for me. i was looking for that extra something
i havent heard before and what happened was me already
hearing this before. step it up if it’s really going to be
” Maybe the most insperational video ever”.
Good luck to all who seek insperation but personally, i didnt
with this video. it was to corporate… like i have seen it before
at orientation at any job that i have had.
gsilvacera1680 2 days ago
What a nincompoop!
This guys comments proves that hearing something
and acutally “getting it”, is two different things.
I am shocked at how many people live by the philosophy, if
first I don’t succeed …. FIX THE BLAME QUICK!
Success S T A R T S with personal responsibility for where
you are, good or bad!
You are where you are in life because of what has gone
into your mind, the only way to change where you are is
to change what goes into your mind ZIG ZIGLAR
Your life is the some total of the decisions that YOU
HAVE MADE to live a better life, make BETTER DECISIONS!