A  Wisdom of the Ages Message that needs to be understood by everyone

I hope you had a great weekend.  Last night we took time to watch a movie on Direct TV, which we rarely do.  When it comes to movies, I prefer true stories over any other category.

Since I haven’t got to pick the movie since I can remember, Dawn & Torrey let me pick last night.  I chose McFarland which was moive that looked interesting but I really knew nothing about.

Just let me say this, every child needs to see this movie!


I am not a fan of “participation trophies” as you probably know.  Participation Trophies are a pet peeve and a topic I bring up from time to time.  I think they send the wrong message to kids.  I wouldn’t have even liked them when I was a kid!  I think it was an idea that was born in the mind of an adult that sees themselves as a victim.


Participation Trophy2












The truth is, sometimes we have to just work harder to get better.  Sometimes you have to get up early, or stay up late and do what most people are not willing to do if you want to move forward in life.  Why we want to water down that message to our kids or downline team members is something I don’t understand.

Success in any area of life takes work and dedication and this enjoyable movie drives home that point.  Watch it with your children or grandchildren it will be time well spent!

Have a great week.




The website below is worth checking out for more insights,
AFTER you see the movie!

Jim White



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