None of the companies listed in this most recent FTC Claim are direct sales or network
marketing companies. But as it relates to testimonies, make sure it is your own and it is
factual. Don’t say my aunt in Kentucky lost xxx number of pounds on a public webinar,
conference call or live event. Make sure the testimony your giving is always your own .
The headline of this article said FTC Gets $34 Million from Weight Loss Scams, personally
my experience has been it is normally more like ..
(FTC Extorts 34 Million from Weight Loss Companies)
The FTC said it charged skin cream promoter L’Occitane, HCG Diet Direct, LeanSpa LLC and marketers of food additive Sensa with deceptive advertising.
cream the company says helps users obtain slim bodies “but had no science to back up that claim,” the FTC said.
HCG Diet Direct markets a human hormone as a weight loss program. The FTC said it was “touted by hucksters for more than half a century as a weight-loss treatment.”
Marketers of Sensa “exhorted consumers to ‘sprinkle, eat and lose weight,” claiming the food additive would help dieters, the FTC said. The bulk of the settlement, $26.5 million, would be paid by Sensa. L’Occitane Inc. was fined $450,000, while LeanSpa in what was called a partial settlement, had agreed to surrender $7.3 million in assets A settlement with HCG Diet Direct was suspended, the FTC said, “due to their inability to pay.”
The FTC said it would make the $26.5 million Sensa penalty available to compensate Sensa customers.
I don’t feel there is a better marketing to be involved with in network marketing than weight loss. However, a great product alone, will not guaranteed your success. You also need to make sure your company and distributors are not providing documentation or testimonies that can be a red flag for regulators! A company with a hot weight loss product and ownership and field leadership who want to do it right is always a recipe for success in network marketing!