If you have heard about the 'Cardinal Miracle' but haven't seen the video, you can see it here:Click To Tweet

I know many of you have been readers of this blog for years.  Others of you are regular listeners of our podcast and some have attended dozens or our webinars and live events over the years.  I sincerely appreciate you.  Your feedback and support is why we do what we do.

If I have just described you, someone that is familiar with our work,  then there is a good chance at sometime along our path together you have heard me talk about the “Wheel of Life”.

I am not going to do the entire training in this article, but the basic premise is there are only 7 Key areas of life.  The goal should be to keep our life focused as possible in these 7 areas.  If at anytime we are doing something that is not moving us forward in one of the 7 areas a good question to ask ourselves is why?  The goal is to run when we need to run, but do our best to keep our wheel balance the best we can. 

There are times when we get out of balance.  Commonly you see people that get so focused on their career that they neglect their family, spiritual or social parts of their life.  You have some people that are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good, and the examples can go on and on.  Sometimes our physical life needs a tough, no nonsense coach to help us wake up and take care of our bodies.  You get the idea.

From a spiritual standpoint I have always believed WHATEVER YOUR RELIGION IS….PRACTICE IT!

Identifying yourself with a certain religion that you never practice is where the word hypocrite comes from.  In all of the 7 areas of life, sometimes we all just need encouragement, or told the truth. Maybe even reminded to be thankful for our family and close friends at a deeper level.

Not Fu Fu Dust, but deep level encouragement.  Sometimes you need deep level encouragement in all aspects of life.  In that spirit of encouragement,  I wanted to share with you the Miracle Cardinal Story.  At the time of this writing this story is starting to pick up steam and I wanted to do what I could to help this encouraging word get out there and inspire us all.  I hope this provides you deep Spiritual encouragement, and you will share it with someone in your life, that you know can benefit from it.


As always you thoughts and comments are appreciated



If you have heard about the 'Cardinal Miracle' but haven't seen the video, you can see it here:Click To Tweet



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