I have been a fan of using drop cards for prospecting for many years. I feel that every, career minded network marketing distributor should never leave their home without at least (30) $100 Bill drop cards in their pocket or purse.
You never know, the next person behind you at the gas station may have decided that day, there must be a better way than spending their life in traffic 5 days a week. How much effort does it take to place a bill on top of the pump, for the next person to find? If you and your team are not using drop cards daily, you are missing a massive opportunities!
The reason I love them is they don’t take any additional time, and your time is the most valuable asset you have. You pick up your food at a drive through window, they hand you your bag of burgers, you hand the worker a $100 Bill Drop card and say “Give this to your manager”, and drive off. (There are a lot of under employed fast food managers)
You are checking out at the big box store or grocery, and you leave a couple of bills on the counter and so on and so forth. You can use them in plenty of creative ways like the REVERSE SHOP LIFTING METHOD talked in in the free PDF 7 Black Hat Drop Card Marketing Techniques available free here.
One of the methods we teach is this report is called Halloween Prospecting. The concept is simple. Trick-Or-Treaters come to your door. You simply place a treat and a $100 bill drop card in their bag saying this is for you & this is for your Mom & Dad as you drop in the 100 dollar bill drop card.
One year our organization got out over 50,000 drop cards during on 1 Halloween night doing exactly as I have described. Needless to say we had an awesome November and December that year. Yes I had thousands of people on my team at that time, but I started this technique a couple of years earlier when it was just me!
It is never about what you can personally do, it is always about what can be duplicated by the masses on your team! In my opinion,lead generation is the easiest part of the business, we try to make it to hard, because we are constantly looking for the new hack, the new social media channel, what I call the Fu Fu Dust, instead of just consistently doing what we already know how to do. Yes I believe in become a lead generation master. We are constantly testing new generation techniques and ideas. Our process is simple. Learn -Tweak-Master-Outsource – and keep on learning!
I hope you and your team will try the drop card Halloween prospecting method this Holiday season. Yes it works, it all works, recruiting simply comes down to finding THE RIGHT PERSON at the RIGHT TIME, in their life. It is a numbers game and drop cards help you expose a lot of people without taking a minute out of your already busy schedule.
Here are the answers two most common questions we receive about this recruiting method
Where can I find the best quality cards at the lowest price?
Right here: http://www.CMGPromotions.com
What should my drop card bills say?
You will find samples here http://www.cmgpromotions.com/samples.html
My Favorite for Halloween drop card message and honestly it creates curiosity in
people’s minds year round. Could you read this, and not at least visit the website?
Let me Scare you to Death
Check out my website:
Visit: www.MLMSuccess.com/story15 to listen to this training online
Are you using drop cards?
I think the real question is when you have an organization of thousands of people,
or if you already do, would you like for them to be dropping cards daily as they go through
their normal day-to-day activities?
The truth is, drop cards add thousands of people to teams around the world every
week. Why not yours? IT STARTS WITH YOU!
No this is not some Magic Fu Fu Dust recruiting method, but I believe that every career
minded network marketing leader should be using drop cards as part of their over all
recruiting strategy. Think about it, why wouldn’t you? I mean how many customers
and or team members do you need to add to your team to make ordering 5,000 drop
cards today, a great business decision? I am just asking, what do you think? We both
know the answer to that question is possibly only one.
One person can lead you to thousands!
Have a Wonderful Fall Season.
Dedicated to your Success.