INCREASE YOUR RECRUITING RATIO'S TODAY….GO OFF LINE! One of the biggest mistakes I see network marketers making today is that distributors try to create ALL of their leads online. It seems that everyone has drank the "Attraction Marketing Kool-aid". If you want to immediately increase your recruiting ratio's GO OFF LINE!

I wrote an article a few months ago that really upset a lot of people. The name of the article was "For Attraction Marketing to Work, You must be Attractive" People totally missed the point, which was "Do it, then TALK about it" The internet is full of people trying to teach others "How to do" that which they have "never done". This type or ranting BS is very "unattractive" to the people you really want on your downline team.

Talk about what you know, what you feel, what you think ….if you must, but quit trying to preach to people how to build an organization when you have 11 people on your team. I love the internet and we enroll people daily in various affiliate programs that WE BELIEVE IN & promote. Marketing affiliate programs and tools doesn't take the same amount of time and Directional Leadership enrolling someone into a primary network marketing organization requires.

30% of the people in the United States, still do not have an email address. I know that is hard to believe but it is true. Those of us that are online daily, and check our email a couple of times a day wonder how people can function in todays society without the internet, but the truth is THEY DO!

Mastering Local lead generation for network marketing will always be more profitable and rewarding than trying to do your business 100% online. Being successful in network marketing long term requires personal relationships and there is no question that those are more easily developed in your local market. Nothing can replace cookouts with your local team, 1 on 1 coffee shop meetings and everyone getting together for a team awards banquet during Christmas.

I know, I know, the internet is screaming with self proclaimed gurus that are telling you that local market recruiting techniques are "out dated"; they are wrong. Hear me, just because they personally BOMBED OUT trying to recruit in their local market is no reason you should or will. Do you hear me?

All recruiting concepts and methods require SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE. You need to learn from someone who has not only added tens of thousands of team members with proven local market methods, but who has also helped thousands of people just like you master those same techniques in TODAY'S MARKET.


The truth is, with so many people trying to recruit 100% online, the competition in your local market is almost non-existent. Do yourself a favor and go to: and order our 3-Hour Seminar on DVD and CD. Or at the very least sign up for our Free 7-Part online lead generation course on this site. Put this training into action and you will immediately see an increase in your recruiting ratio's. I am not saying to stop marketing online but I am definitely saying add off line lead generation to your prospecting and Do it Now!


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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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