A couple of years ago we wrote and published our first Ebook MLM Insight. At the end of the ebook we had an evaluation that distributors had the option to complete and email to me.

I personally looked over the evaluations and made suggestion on how they could move their network marketing business forward. I was absolutely amazed at the people who have been with a company a couple of years, have six or seven distributors in their organization, and hadn’t personally sponsored anyone in ninety days or longer.

Now, a couple of years later and nothing has changed.

That is were the inspiration for this article came.


Professional Network Marketers, Leaders, and Future Leaders RECRUIT EVERY WEEK! Period! You must establish your recruiting rhythm, so each and every week you are prospecting and recruiting. Momentum in your organization starts with YOU!

I want to share with you a couple of simple inexpensive methods for recruiting in your local market. I believe you should build it in your backyard first! Don’t go across the country until you have gone across the street. Dale are you saying that I shouldn’t recruit online?

Absolutely not! I am talking about your focus; your focus should be to develop a strong local organization.


Many community businesses have public bulletin boards to place yard sale announcements, automobiles for sell, lost pets, etc. These types of announcement boards are most common at grocery store chains, Wal-Mart stores, and laundry mats.

Many distributors have also had success posting these type flyers on pop machines, newspaper dispensers, and pay phone booths.

You can design an 8 1/2 X 11 flyers for your product(s) and or opportunity. You should have a minimum of 30 Flyers at different locations within your community at all times. How much does it cost to have 30 flyers copied? A couple of dollars?

If you would like a sample of the flyers we have used in the past

Send a SASE to:

Flyer Request

c/o Network Marketing Support Services Inc.
120-B North Water Street
Georgetown, KY 40324


“Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How?”

Herba-Life built an empire with this stupid little button. Buttons are easy, simple and very duplicatable. Don’t leave your house without your stupid button, buttons, will make you sales and create prospects for your business.

Imagine an organization of 20, 200, 2000, or 20,000 distributors in your downline, all wearing a button and sponsoring people and retailing products, EVERYDAY. Do you want to be cool, or do you want to make $$$?


At our former company we produced a magazine called “Success Makers”. The magazine consisted of about 20+ pages with Success Story after success story. Many companies offer 10 -20 page product information booklets. Companies, who are featured in Industry publications such as Money Makers Monthly, can also use reprint articles. What do you do with these publications?

Place them in waiting rooms. Doctors offices, dentist offices, tire stores, barber shops, anywhere that people must sit and wait. You should make a list of locations in your area, and ALL of them should have your literature in their waiting rooms.

After your locations are established you must SERVICE your location. In other words you, a teenage child, your spouse, your mother, someone must periodically check your locations! Check the public bulletin boards to make sure your flyers are still visible and the waiting rooms for your magazines and or booklets. We call this establishing a route.

Getting the information into your market place one time, does little good. You must consistently keep your message in front of your local community. Just like follow-up is critical in the recruiting process so is SERVICING your “literature locations” on your route.


These cards are different than your business card. They are basically a business card, with a classified ad printed on it sending people to a website or sizzle call.

Every network marketer should be dropping these cards, everyday, everywhere they go. The most effective cards we have seen look like $100.00 bills. These cards are viral because people who pick them up, DON’T THROW THEM AWAY, and many times use them to play a joke on a friend, or family member.

I cannot tell you how many times over the years that the person who found the hundred dollar bill card didn’t call, but their friend or family member did. Powerful, very powerful and you can get info on these $100 bill cards at http://www.CMGPromotions.com


If you stop and think about it there are many avenues to get your message into your local market. Product displays in businesses, telephone pole signs, door hangers, cars signs, etc. We discuss all of these methods in great detail at:


I realize some of you reading this article suffer from “TooCoolitis” You are too cool to initiate the above methods. The BOTTOM LINE IS YOU aren’t the issue, a duplicatable system and programs are!

You must become aggressive, you must understand that there are X number of people you are going to have to expose to your product & opportunity before you achieve the success that you desire. The quicker you get through the numbers, the faster you will have Success. It is really that simple!

Many people approach their network marketing business with no posture, no work ethic, and no drive. When things don’t work out, who do they blame? Certainly not the person in the mirror!

If you are going to learn how to swim you must get in the water!!! Many MLM distributors are sticking their BIG TOE in the pool trying to learn how to swim!

PEOPLE FOLLOW PEOPLE who have enough guts to sprint, jump, and do a cannon ball right in the middle of the pool! If you are going to build it then go for it, quit playing around. Life is not a practice session!

I Have tried to share with you some proven ways to generate leads and work through the numbers in your own backyard. The rest is up to you!


About MLMhelp.com

MLMHelp.com has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

To subscribe, click here. If you need help on a specific topic, use our search box below. The search works just like Google. Just enter a keyword and press enter.

For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

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