Our Readers Write
“Dale I don’t know why I take the time to read your Friday newsletter every week. All you do is make me feel bad about what I have done, and what I don’t know. I watched the whirlpool webinar last week and it was one of the worst I have ever seen. I think you wrote the book you spoke of under a fake name. I am a chicken, not an eagle, and I don’t need you or anyone else constantly reminding me of that!” You need to learn to be more uplifting”
Diana Windsor
Hi Diana.
At the bottom of every email we send from our office their is an unsubscribe link. Please feel to unsubscribe if you are not getting value from our emails, and know one is making you view the Friday newsletter on this blog, is that correct?
NOBODY CAN MAKE YOU FEEL ANYWAY ABOUT ANYTHING. You can control your own thoughts and feelings. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, Our doubts are traitors, which make us lose the good things in life because we FEAR to ATTEMPT. I could go on and on with WISDOM OF THE AGES STATEMENTS, that could help you if you could find away to accept Truth as Truth and change.
With that said, I can assure you the last thing I am attempting to do on Friday is make people feel bad. I do my best to encourage people. With that said, I also understand that people see things not as they are, BUT as THEY are. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and anyday, at anytime you can decide to see the world differently and enjoy everyday more. But it all starts with a DECISION and nobody but you can make that for you.
Dedicated to Your Success (And I Mean that even though I know you control that)
To everyone else, I have to go walk 😉 . I will share thoughts on Lift, Thrust, Weight, and Down tomorrow.