Plan of Action and Definite Closure
At the time of this article I am sitting in the waiting area of the Ft. Lauderdale airport waiting to fly back home to Kentucky.  I had the pleasure to be on of six speakers to train at the first ever Super Saturday Event sponsored by TheNetworkMarketing magazine.

It was a pleasure to invited by George Madiou to speak at this event with
Max Steingart
Doug Firebaugh
Kathy Robbins
Paula Prichard
Sandy Bodkin

This weekend I was reminded again, how all network marketers follow the same path and how truth and the realities of this business eventually become obvious.  As I listened to the other speakers do their training I was reminded of this over and over.

You can’t fight the way it is.  You must learn to work with the realities of this business, and not fight it.  Our real product is people, and we must all learn how to deal with people to best serve them and protect our time and emotions.

There are definitely 3 distinct stages to the business.  How you perform in these 3 areas will ultimately determine you success.

Stage 1  Personal development.  This is an ongoing daily process.  One of the first realities network marketing will teach you is that there is a more powerful, optimistic way to look at the world.  The reality that with specialized knowledge and training you really do have the opportunity to live a life of significance and financial freedom.  Self improvement is an ongoing process.  For many years of my life I spent 10% of my income on my own personal growth and development.  Buying books, training programs and attending seminars is still a large part of my life.  When you are green you grow, when you ripe YOU ROT!

The second distinct Stage of the Business is mastering lead generation.  It is sad how many people I have met over the years that have been involved in this industry a year, two years, and longer who have never mastered how to create leads for their business.  The number one mistake made by most MLM distributors is they try to accomplish far too much exposing their product, service and opportunity to far too few people!

You must get serious and get your Masters degree in lead generation.  If they take you up in an airplane, strap a parachute on you and through you out with a few product brochures and sample, you should be able to have your phone ringing off the hook within 30 days or less.  Have you mastered lead generation?  If not, when do you plan on doing so?  Check out this course can help you become a Master at lead generation.

Stage 3 is mastering distributor training and development.  The real money in this business is not made from getting people in the program it comes from keeping them in and moving them forward.

I could talk about several different concepts regarding this stage, but let me share with you a couple of ideas regarding.


Unfortunately, most distributors operate their business thinking their job ends after they get someone in the business.  The reality is that is when your job just begins.  You must have a definite game plan for getting people started correctly.

You must work closely with new distributors and activate them, jump start them and get them moving forward quickly.  The reality is the odds of the person you sponsored being the person you are looking for is slim to none, but the odds of them knowing the right person is extremely high. You need to help new distributors follow up with their top business prospects so you can find the top leader(s) they know for your business.

A basic activation plan is to number one; help your distributors establish WHY they are doing the business.  Until they know why, the how doesn’t matter.  Next you want to help them follow up with their top 10 business prospects.  Maybe they hand out 10 DVD’s and you are own the phone with them when they follow up.

It is also a great idea to supply your distributor with a basic I am in business letter that they can send to potential product users.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is you must have a distinct plan, a formula if you will to activate all new distributors that join your organization.  Not just your front line people, but a simple, duplicatable activation system that can be passed down through your organization.

Lastly if someone joins and peaks when they sign the application, you must have DEFINITE CLOSURE with that person.  We all know just because a person joins and buys product is no guarantee that they will ever make an effort to get their business off the ground.

If you ask someone to establish 20 reasons WHY they are doing the business, and they never get around to it, you must have definite closure with them.

You set and appointment to do 3 ways on a specific night to follow up with the DVD’s they get in the market place and they never call you, or choose not to get DVD’s into the market, you must have definite closure.

What do I mean by definite closure?  You simply call those people and say John, when you are ready to get serious about your business, you call me and I will be here to support you and help you get started.  But I have a team to build and I have to work with people that are ready to work.

By having definite closure you will preserve that relationship.  Watching others fail, or never attempt was one of the hardest things for me to deal with in the beginning of my career.  I eventually got to the point, where it didn’t bother me as much as long as I knew that I did everything in my power to help them.

Having definite closure when people are not ready to work will remove uncomfortable feelings towards that person in the future, and remove their ability to blame you for not supporting them.


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