'To be inspirational, you must first be inspired' - Dale CalvertClick To Tweet
The 10 Movies Every Network Marketer Should See…
A few years ago I wrote an article titled, “An Overlooked Motivational Technique To Get You and Your Downline Going.” The topic was music and how the right music can get you motivated, and focused.
This time of the year Hollywood introduces the new Holiday movies. There doesn’t seem to be a great selection this year so far. However, most people do have the opportunity to catch a few movies during this time of the year so I thought I would share with you the Top 10 movies I feel all marketers should see.
My opinion is based purely on inspiration. There is nothing better than walking out of a movie ready to take on the world! You are probably familiar with most of the movies on my list so you may want to watch them again.
As entrepreneurs and as humans we are surrounded by the negative. Negative is normal. We must learn to insert the positive intentionally and repel the negative, and not accept it into our minds. The right movies provide the right “self talk” without us needing to think too much about it.
Mr. Hollands Opus is a movie that many people have not seen but in my opinion it is a must see. I have said many times that the two greatest benefits of the network marketing industry are the personal development you experience and the friendships you develop. In Network marketing you never know who you may be helping and the difference you are making. Mr. Hollands Opus drives this point home stronger than any movie I have ever seen.
( In No Particular Order)
1) The Rookie
2) It’s A Wonderful Life
3) Rocky
4) Remember The Titans
5) Mr. Hollands Opus
6) Facing The Giants
7) Hooisers
8) Pay It Forward
9) Rudy
10) SeaBiscuit
Most of you are probably receiving home delivery of movies from Blockbuster or NetFlix. Make sure you put these movies on your list. You will be glad you did.
If you are not using BLOCKBUSTER you should be using a home delivery system. It just makes sense, especially if you have teenagers. This type of service will insure that you always have something to watch on cold winter nights and will save most families a lot of money.
UPDATE 12/2015
Of course BlockBuster ignored the trends, and most people now live stream through Amazon Prime or NetFlix. I have no idea how we may be viewing movies in the future or if you happen to be reading this in 2020, or some other time in the future. Here is what I do know… our internal motivation at the moment or discouragement comes from our own personal self-talk. The right movies control the internal dialog we have in our minds, as does music.
The real secret is to get control of this dialog and yes it takes work, but it can be done in only 15 minutes a day. It takes conscious, intentional effort but it can be done as I share here: Programming Your Mind for Success.
Since the above article was written, we saw a new movie called McFarland with Keven Costner. It is based upon a true story and worth seeing. Under dogs work hard and take action, and “can win” is the underlying theme.