Multiple Streams of Network Marketing Income is a topic that you don’t here as much about as you did a
a few years ago, when I first wrote this article. Since that time I have recorded a podcast session on multiple streams of mlm income that will reveal more depth on the subject.
Here is the bottom line:
“Over the past 35 years I have met thousands of people who were earning $100,000 + with their network marketing business. I have never met ONE PERSON who was making $10,000+ from two or more companies attempting to BUILD two teams at the same time“ Dale Calvert
If you know anyone or have ever met anyone who was making multiple six figure incomes building two teams at the SAME TIME, please let me know in the comments section below this article. Yes, I know people that built a team with a particular company to six figures, retired, then re-entered the industry and built another team to to a six figure income while still drawing a residual on the original team they built. However, those people are very very rare.
When a six figure earner changes companies, or decides to build a new team, who are the first people they contact?
With that said, I believe in multiple streams of income, I just do not believe in attempting to build two network marketing teams at the same time. Frankly I am shocked that people that freely say totally illogical things like “I pitch them my skin care program, if they don’t like that then I share with them my weight loss or CBD Oil deal”
The only reason a person would attempt to build two teams at the same time is:
1) Greed
2) Ignorance
I don’t mean ignorance as in being and idiot. I mean ignorant as in simply not knowing any better. We are all ignorant about many subjects. I am ignorant about the game of hockey, but that doesn’t stop me from attending a game. However if I get on the ice with a hockey stick my ignorance would soon become evident to everyone who understands the game.
Network marketing is NOT DIRECT SALES. The power of network marketing is that it gives people the opportunity to create unlimited income if they can the ability to build teams. Network marketing is about building teams, not being a direct sales person. Yes we all have customers, but the real power comes from team building.
I have always said if you want to be involved in direct sales, sale Yachts or something with high commissions. With that said, I understand that there are people that are focused on building a network marketing team and living a dream who right now, are creating cash flow everyway they can, I respect that.
Now more than ever we have the opportunity to create multiple streams of income. I know several network marketers who have huge team building goals who are driving for Uber and Flipping items using platforms like eBay, Facebook Market Place, and Craigslist.
If you found this article because you are sincerely looking for multiple income stream ideas, and you are not a naive person who really believes developing two downlines at the same time is possible, then here a PDF that can help you and give you several valid money making ideas. This free PDF can be downloaded at
For many years this website only shared network marketing training systems and ideas. However many of our subscribers ask many about different income niches. Below is why I wrote the orignal article on multiple streams of income. It was because of an email I received from a long time customer. My suggestion at this point is to download and read the PDF above if you have the correct mindset around Multiple Streams of income. I have always believed you can generate income, especially when you are in front of a trend.
For the last year or so I have been urging my subscribers to stay in front of marketing trends. We have talked about Mobile Marketing, Kindle, and domain and website flipping. We are making good money in 2 of the 3 niches, but we have spent a ton of time in the education mode.
I had a friend and customer send me the email below today and I have received these questions off and on over the years, so I thought I would share these questions and my answers in hopes that I could help several of my subscribers at the same time. Remember you are only 5 courses or books away from being an expert in almost any market you choose. (Yes, network marketing is the exception) Network marketing is the most challenging business model in the world. However the path to network marketing mastery, starts here: THE MLM TRAINING CLUB.
Dale, I have learned so much from you over the years. I have couple of personal/business questions I would like to ask you when you get a minute I would appreciate a reply.
QUESTION: You hear so much about multiple streams of income, when should network marketers attempt to diversify their income ?
ANSWER Debbie, this depends on the person. In general this is my opinion. Most network marketers who are talking about multiple streams of income and attempting to work multiple companies & have never made Big income anywhere. They really don’t understand the difference between network marketing, affiliate marketing and direct sales.
In 30 years I cannot name 1 person I have ever met who was making $10,000+ a month in two different companies working them at the same time! You should never attempt to create multiple streams of income from multiple MLM programs under any circumstance. Network marketing is about residual wealth building. It is not about creating multiple $100 checks, that is affiliate marketing. Network marketing is the most challenging, but most rewarding business model. Leaders must be focused and be dedicated to their opportunity, their company and their team. If they can’t find a company they can dedicate themselves to then they need to find a new one.
My advice to all network marketers is to don’t even think about trying to create another income stream until you have mastered the skill sets and mindsets it takes in network marketing and you get your income to a full-time level.
QUESTION: As you know I am at a full-time income and the business has become easy and systematic for me now (As you said it would). I am ready to diversify my income and spend an hour or so a day learning a new business model. What do you recommend and is there a training program I should start with?
ANSWER That depends really on what your ultimate goal is, remember begin with the end in mind. If you are looking for some quick, extra cash I recommend Ebay, but I think you already sell some items on Ebay don’t you? If not this will help:
An addition would be buying and flipping domains and websites. I have some really good info here: DOMAIN FLIPPING We have been doing this off and on for several years, but now there are some great tools in the market that make this a breeze if you get a little education. If you are looking for another long term residual income stream, then I definitely recommend you learn everything you can on Kindle Publishing. Dawn and I started a Kindle publishing division of our business about a year ago and it has really gained momentum in the last few months. There are several good courses on kindle publishing, these are the ones we recommend:
UPDATE 8/28 We have removed the courses that appeared in this article originally. We have invested and gone through nearly a dozen courses, and some of the information is out dated, and will even get your Kindle account terminated. This is the new course on Kindle, awesome, and the only one we recommend at this time. KINDLE TRAINING
UPDATE 2019 Kindle Publishing was a creat business for us for many years. We have a company D&D Publishing, and hired writer from around the world to right books for us under pen names on multiple subjects. I also personally have several self authored books on Amazon Kindle. However this is not a business model I would suggest people spend to much time getting educated on. Amazon, changed the comission structure and publishing a book to Kindle is quite different than publishing a PDF. If you love writing, and it is your passion and your gift then yes, by all means consider Kindle publishing. If you are looking for multiple streams of income, learning the Kindle business model may not be the best use of your time in 2019.
We currently sell personal books on Kindle and some of our training programs through Amazon FBA but we are no longer working with writers to write books for us specifically for Kindle.
And finally Mobile Marketing. This is going to be huge and growing. We have spent a lot of time and money on this, but still haven’t quite figured it out, but we will! We have had some campaigns that have done awesome and some that have totally bombed. The best course we have found out their some fare is here:
Deb, this should put you on the right track. If you have any more questions let me know.
JUST REMEMBER …….. In 30 years I cannot name 1 person I have ever met who was making $10,000+ a month in two different companies working them at the same time!
Multiple Streams of Income is a great idea, but focus on business models that create income and leads for your network marketing opportunity.
At this point and time there seems to be a resurgence in network marketing gurus promoting Multiple Streams of Network Marketing Income. Most they are trying to convince the masses they need to be sharing a mlm leads program, blogging platform or some other network marketing tool to other distributors. The major challenge is people get more focused on selling the tool than they do building their team. I have said it multiple times over the last year or so and I believe that one of the most important entrepreneurial traits moving forward at this point in time in history is the ABILITY TO FOCUS.
I did a podcast session on the topic of multiple streams of MLM income. In this session I go back to 2000 and discusses Robert Allen’s book Multiple Streams of Income, why it was written and the lack of real Success this tainted concept has created in the traditional business world and throughout the network marketing and direct sales professions.
Are you marketing products supplied by multiple network marketing companies?
Are you attempting to build multiple teams in multiple companies?
We hope you find this information thought provoking, valuable, and it will help you develop some foundational beliefs that will help you move forward in your business. You can access this podcast on Itunes, Stitcher or on your favorite podcast player or you can just click the banner below and listen online.