Friday February 15, 2013

Read by over 47,000 Intelligent Marketers Worldwide!

Calvert Marketing Group 
120-B North Water
Georgetown, KY 40324

© 2013 Reprint permission granted in part or whole when the following credit appears:  Please forward this newsletter to an entrepreneur!

"Reprinted with permission from Dale Calvert www.DaleCalvert.comBrought to you by the producer of the #1 MLM Training
Program “Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire”

Exclusively available at:


In this Newsletter


1.      Quick Message from Dale

2.      How Much Time do you spend promoting your
business Each week?

3.      Your Time is the Most Valuable Asset You Have
Do you Outsource?

4.      Quote of the Week

5.      Video of the Week
Does Your Marketing Stink?

6.      How to Subscribe


Quick Message from Dale


I  hope you had a great Valentine’s Day.  Dawn and I
had a nice dinner & went and saw the movie SAFE HAVEN. 
It was pretty good for a “chic flick”.  I would give it a 7
and the ending is a real brain tweak.

We have had a very busy week but the older I
get the more frustrated I become by having my
hands bound by outsourcers.

We all just have to learn to enjoy every day and
be as productive as we can be with the time we
have, and try not to let it frustrate us too much.

We have several new projects we will be launching
soon, so stay tuned.


How Much Time do you spend promoting your
business Each week?


Network Marketers are notorious for wanting to
accomplish as much as possible while devoting as
little time as possible.

For me, it is all about time management.  How
much time is required, verses the upside potential
is something we should always consider.

However, most marketers never promote their
products and opportunity consistently enough to
create any real momentum.

My goal is to spend 1 hour a day promoting my
websites.  Some days it is 100% online and some days
it is working my local route as I talk about in the
Local MLM Leads course.

The goal is to get yourself in a rhythm with your
business where you are promoting daily!

“Consistent effort doesn’t always produce consistent
results, but it always produces success”


Your Time is the Most Valuable Asset You Have
Do you Outsource?


Earlier I was griping about having my hands tied
with outsourcers, now I am asking you if you

The truth is, because I do outsource, I am able to
accomplish much more.  Some things, like this
newsletter, I would never outsource.

I don’t outsource the post I do for my

But there are a lot of activities you can outsource
in your business.  What is the most valuable use of
your time?

What could you possibly outsource?

We currently, or in the past have outsourced multiple
projects such as:

·        All 100+ of our websites are built and developed
by outsourcers

·        We outsource advertising on classified ad websites

·        Article Writing, and Books in niches outside of
the marketing niche under pen names

·        Niche Facebook accounts outside of the marketing

·        Video production

Etc. etc.

Today, I saw a 10 minute online video presentation that I
thought was so good, I decided I wanted a transcript of it.

So I went and placed the job.  Within 10 minutes
I had 15 people from around the world who wanted to do
the job for me.  The bids ranged from $2,00 – $17.00.  I hired
a young man in Pakistan to do the work for me, and I will
have the transcription within a couple of hours.

My favorite places to find outsourcers is:

People tell me they see me online everywhere.

The truth is, I take time management very
seriously, and I outsource, you can too!

Pretty much, if you see my name on it, then
I have written it.   Most of what we do online
is under pen names in various niches.






“Time Management is the Best Kept Secret of the Rich”
Jim Rohn




Does Your Marketing Stink?












For Real, Proven Marketing Insights

If not .. What are you waiting for?



How to Subscribe


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Copyright Information


Copyright 2013 Calvert Marketing Group

You may copy any of the articles in this newsletter
for any purpose without permission as long is no
portion of the article is modified. You must include
the tag line at the bottom.

Article published with permissions from:
Dale Calvert
Calvert Marketing Group

* Please pass this newsletter on to an entrepreneur *


About the Author


Dale Calvert started his first business (a mail order business)
out of his parents home at age 14 and his devoted his entire
adult life to supporting those who want to create income
from home.  You can learn more than you would ever care
to know at

Note from Dale

Some of the links in my email to you MAY be affiliate links
but be confident that I only endorse what I fully stand
behind.  I accept no advertising in this newsletter.


Dale’s Top Website Include                   A Directory of his websites          For those that are ready to
                                                            Master Network Marketing          Top Lead Generation Course           Free MLM Lead Generation PDF    Home of the original 100 Bill Dropcard



I appreciate your support


Dedicated to Your Success!


Dale Calvert

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

To subscribe, click here. If you need help on a specific topic, use our search box below. The search works just like Google. Just enter a keyword and press enter.

For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

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