Friday March 15th, 2013

Read by over 47,000 Intelligent Marketers Worldwide!

Calvert Marketing Group
120-B North Water
Georgetown, KY 40324


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"Reprinted with permission from Dale Calvert producer of the #1 MLM Training Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire available at

In this newsletter…

· Quick Message from Dale

* Society's "Red Flag Words" usually spells
O P P O R T U N I T Y  for entrepreneurs

· Quote of the Week

· Video of the Week: Success is Something You Attract
Jim Rohn  (The Real Attraction Marketing)

· How to Subscribe


Quick Message from Dale




I hope you have had a great week. 


March madness is in full swing, and I am back from the Boys High School Sweet 16 Tournament in Kentucky.  It was a great tournament.   Louisville, Ballard (the favorite to win) was beating Madison Central High School from Richmond, Kentucky in the final game of the tournament by 16 points.  Madison Central made a huge come back at the end of the game and won by 1 point with a 3 pointer at the end.  A great reminder that it is never over till it’s over and what you can be accomplished with determination and a belief that you can.  




My Kentucky Wildcats play in the SEC tournament tonight.   I predict they are going to win the SEC tournament, make it to the NCAA win a couple of games and make the Sweet 16.  Considering we lost our best player to a season ending injury, I am happy with that.  With the recruits we have coming in next year, I expect us to win it all, again.  When building a team, if the ones you have aren’t going to take you where you want to go …. Find new ones!


I had a great visit.  My mom fixed a huge breakfast for everyone last Saturday.   I got to spend time with all three of my daughters, their husbands and my grandchildren. Between basketball games I also was able to catch up with several friends, clients and customers including Robbie Davis and his wife Amy, they are the #3 money earners in Zija.  I also got to visit with Shannon Denniston.  Shannon is a leader in Send Out Cards, and entrepreneur that is involved in several business projects.  Shannon started with me years ago when he was 18 years old and is a great example of what can happen when you develop the right skill sets and mindsets. 


I am back in Atlanta now and trying to get caught up with email and phone calls.  We have multiple projects going on right now.  The 7 Lies of Attraction Marketing continues to fly off the virtual shelf.  The reviews are extremely mixed as I knew they would be.  The people who have drank the Attraction Marketing KoolAide; Hate it, those that understand success in network marketing is about personal growth and development love it.   I am encouraged by the number “Thank You for Writing This” emails I have received from real leaders who are stressing that their team members read the book.


I feel that there is a slight shift in the mind set of network marketers.  A couple of years ago it seemed like everyone was searching for the magic bullet.  They were looking for a company, product, affiliate program, or magic software to make them successful. It feels like the market is starting to realize that there is no magic and to become successful with any business model it requires learning from those that have already done it and implementation.  The challenge is there are many people in the market place that have a “fake it till you make” attitude that ultimately lead people down dead end paths.


I listened in on a webinar last night about Pinterest.  I love Pinterest and we get a lot of traffic to our websites using it. I have invested in about a ½ dozen courses and software just learning more about how to get the most from the Pinterest website.  This guy was claiming to make $30,000 a month with his magic Pinterest Software he was selling for about $700.  It was more than obvious to me he was not telling the truth.  I just have to wonder how many people got sucked into his rederic and will waste countless number of hours trying to make a flawed business model work?  I just wonder how some of these people sleep at night?  Oh well, just be careful who you listen to and understand your time is the most valuable asset you have!


Have a great week!


Dedicated to Your Success!





Society's "Red Flag Words" usually spells
O P P O R T U N I T Y for entrepreneurs


Society's "Red Flag" Words Usually SPells Opportunity for Entrepreneurs

I have heard said, "If you want to become successful, look at what everyone is doing and do the opposite". This is great advice. How many self-made millionaires


do you know that get up when the electronic rooster crows and run off to work to build somebody else's dream?  There are a few, but not many.  This should be a clue.

I want to share a few words for you and then ask yourself, how do I personally feel about this word or word phrase, then how do the masses of people feel about it?













Now, let's look at these words and phrases in a little more detail.

MLM  Do the masses perceive the words MLM or Network Marketing as Red Flag words?  I think they do, but the reality is there is opportunity in those words.  If you are reading this article then you probably understand the power of network marketing and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people have created life changing income with MLM programs.

What do you think about when you hear the word Risk.  It is probably REWARD or Avoid.  The truth is life is risky, so risky that none of us will get  out alive :).  I would classify the majority of entrepreneurs I have met as risk takers. Quite frankly most of them have a ready, FIRE, aim mentality.   I consider myself a "calculated" risk taker. Calculations based upon business experiences, human nature and odds.  When looking at any opportunity, you must always ask, what is the worst thing that could happen, what is the best, can I live with that?

What about Rental Property?  Many people think hassle, dead beat renters, mortgage payments and more unpleasant thoughts.  Some people think equity.  In every situation we as human beings are "Programmed" to think about opportunity or risk.  We all have natural tendencies, I hope this article is helping you to start realizing yours.  Is it?


I have had rental property most of my adult life. Yes I could share with you a couple of rental property from hell stories, but over all investing in rental property has been one of the smartest investments I have made over my life. I am certainly not a get rich in real estate guru, but I have invested in those books and courses. Again, you can learn any business model if you just find the people have already done it.

HYIP.  I know, I know, you may be think HYI ..WHAT?  This simply stands for High Yield Investment Programs.  The truth is if you do a search online you will find dozens of "Self proclaimed SCAM BUSTERS" telling you to run from these types of programs. 

However, I personally have met dozens of people who have created Wealth with HYIP.  Never invest more than you can afford to lose, but the truth is, For the past several years I have invested a portion of investment funds into these types of programs.  I do it quietly, behind the scenes and rarely promote
these types of programs.

Yes, I have lost money, yes I  have lost my entire initial investment, but over all my returns have surpassed the returns I could have expected from traditional types of investments.

                                             Penny Stocks get a bad rap and I am not sure why.  I love penny stock investing. Yes I have invested in dozens of companies that are no longer in business, but I have also seen a 11 cent stock grow to $7.12 when I cased out.  For me it is common sense.  What is more likely, a $50 stock growing to $100 or a 50 cent stock growing to $1.00?  If you owned the stock didn't you just double your money? 

DIRECT SALES  For the right people, with the right work ethic and personality direct sales can create a six figure income. Just ask Zig Ziglar (Former pots and pans salesperson) or Warren Buffet who owns the majority of stock in a couple of direct sales companies.

FOREX INVESTING  This has become a hot topic over the past 5-6 years. This is yet another opportunity that I passed on 10 -11  years ago, long before the masses knew what Forex even was.  Not to say people cannot get startedwith Forex today and make a six figure income, with the right education, I am sure they can. 

However when I was in New York City in 2000 to speak at an event I decided to go out a few days prior and stay a few days after for a mini vacation.  On the radio I heard a gentleman promoting a seminar on Forex investing so I attended.   I can asure you in 2000 99% of the population had no clue what the Forex market was.   They were selling a course at the time for about $5,700.   I should have bought it, but at the time I was involved in several other projects. 


You have heard the phrase a wise person learns from their own mistakes, a really wise person learns from the mistakes of others.  Since that time, if there is a business model I know I want to learn, and a good course becomes available from someone that knows what they are doing, I buy it.    Sometimes it is a couple of years before I get to it, but I buy it.

You are only 5 books or courses away from becoming an expert on an topic!

AMWAY.. If you are reading this newsletter you understand how much this company has meant not just to our industry, but to the personal growth and development of many industry leaders who cut their teeth with this company.

SELLING ON EBAY  I have been teaching people how to sell on eBay for over eight years.  I still believe it is the easiest, fastest, way for a person to create positive cash flow.  I love the eBay business model and my wife and I have personally sold over 1 Million dollars of products on eBay since we started, and
we love seeing our Online Auction U members making money, and having fun.

The truth is a lot of the big name internet marketers of today got their start on eBay.  Many of our members use their eBay profits to invest in advertising for their network marketing opportunity or as an education fund to learn other business models.

DAY TRADING.  Gets a bad rap from stock market purest but  with the right education, fortunes can be made day training. Someday I will share with you how I made over $30,000 in one day when I  was day trading with Nike stock.

SELLING ON AMAZON FBA  This is a business model I have been keeping my eye on for a couple of years.  I believe this is probably going to be the hottest business model of 2013.  It definately takes time, effort, knowledge and some investment captial to get started, but it provides an opportunity to create a very significant income.  This week my inbox was full of people sharing the video from Matt Clark and his buddy who are both making $100,000 A MONTH with this business model.  If you haven't seen it, it is worth watching, it is very well done, and will really make you think. HERE IS THE VIDEO

If you think about it you can probably share with me dozens more "Red Flag" words and phrases.  The challenge is to attempt to stay open minded. Yes, you should first focus on the developing the skills and attitudes necessary to develop a long term residual income within a stable solid network marketing company.     Our MLM TRAINING CLUB MEMBERS will tell you that program is the best place to start!

Just remember "A wise person investigates what a fool takes for granted" Over the past 30 years, I have lost a lot more by NOT investigating, than I ever have from taking action.  Be an action taker and when the masses yell RISK, RISK, RISK, that should be a signal for you to INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE!

 Have a Great Week, it is suppose to be beautiful here in Georgia, enjoy your weekend.


Dedicated to Your Success,









"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too,
can become great."

— Mark Twain


VIDEO of the WEEK:


Success is Something You Attract: 
(Real Attraction Marketing)

 Attract Success



For Real, Proven Marketing Insights

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Copyright 2013 Calvert Marketing Group

You may copy any of the articles in this newsletter for any purpose without permission as long is no portion of the article is modified. You must include the tag line at the bottom.

Article published with permissions from:
Dale Calvert
Calvert Marketing Group

* Please pass this newsletter on to an entrepreneur *


About the Author



Dale Calvert started his first business (a mail order business) out of his parents home at age 14 and his devoted his entire adult life to supporting those who want to create income from home. You can learn more than you would ever care to know at

Note from Dale

Some of the links in my email and newsletters to you MAY be affiliate links but be confident that I only endorse what I fully stand behind. I accept no advertising in this newsletter.

Dale’s Top Website Include
A Directory of his websites
For those that are ready to
Master Network Marketing
Top Lead Generation Course
Free MLM Lead Generation PDF
Home of the original 100 Bill Dropcard
"The 1 Prospecting Tool Every
Network Marketers Should be Using"

I appreciate your support

Dedicated to Your Success!

Dale Calvert

PS I am not a prospect for any MLM Opportunity! I already got the T-Shirt! Like you, my time is the most valuable asset I have and I simply have too many business interest.

However we do work with leaders to conduct special webinars and Super Saturday Trainings for their team and Key Notes at corporate conventions. Call our office for more details: 502-868-6199

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

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