Read by over 47,000 Intelligent Marketers

Calvert Marketing Group
120-B North Water Street
Georgetown, KY 40324
(502) 868-6199

*Please forward this newsletter to anyone that can benefit from it*


Hi guys,

It has been awhile since I have actually written a Newsletter, but my schedule has gotten out of kilter the last couple of days. Dawn’s dad had his gall bladder removed and has had some minor complications, so please remember him “Harold” in your thoughts and prayers.

So I decided to give you guys some update via this newsletter.

I was shocked at the passing of Mark Yarnell, and if you have read my blog post regarding this you can read it here.

As most of you know a couple of years ago I had a couple of heart attacks which resulted in 4 stints. It has taken a long time to get my energy level back, but I am starting to get there. It is funny how your prospective changes after you go through something like that.

Over the past year my #1 goal was prove that anyone could make a six figure income with the Amazon FBA program. Dawn and I did that on a very part-time basis in 2014. In December we did right at $30,0000 just through Amazon FBA.

The reality is unless you private label your own Amazon products (which we are now doing) you are still trading time for money and that has never been my focus. However if you are still looking for a way to create consistent monthly cashflow, the Amazon business model is what I recommend. There are many network marketers that are able to stay in the game because of the relative immediate cash flow they are generating with programs like Amazon & Ebay. You can learn more about these business models if you want by clicking here. Speaking of Amazon, my new CD training “The Network Marketing Success System that Never Fails” is currently available exclusively on Amazon. If I were you I would listen to it 20-30 times while you are driving, It will be the best $20.00 you invest in your business, or we demand you return it to Amazon for a full refund!

MLM Profit

Order the CD Here

Network Marketing has always been my bread and butter, it is what I understand at a unique level and how I can have the most positive impact on other people’s lives. I have no interest in every building a team again. I have been there, done it, and got the T-Shirt, and quite frankly I am not willing to devote the time and energy it requires to DO IT RIGHT.

I will continue to promote affiliate programs and even what I call money games that I believe in. I know, some of you are thinking Dale what is a Money Game. I view them as investments where I can outsource the promotions. I only promote 1 at a time until certain goals are reached. I outsource the entire promotion and subscribers to this list will never get a promo regarding them. However, if you want to learn more about my perception of a Money Game you can see a video I did here.

My goal for my MLM Help subscribers is for you to find a company you can be passionate about, put your blinders on, and don’t slow down until you are ready to semi-retire! My primary focus has always been to help network marketers learn the skill sets & mindsets necessary for long-term success in network marketing.


With that said, before I let you go I want to say thank you. My consulting and training business had our best year ever last year and it is because of your recommendations! 90% of the company owners and top leaders that invite me to speak at their events, or hire me for other consulting and training services do so, because a reader of our blog recommends me. Thank you so much for that!

When you have a chance to speak with corporate leaders regarding training & events, please continue to recommend me, my business depends on your word-of-mouth advertising!

My goals in the future are simple

• Spend as much QUALITY time with my family as I can (I have 4 grandchildren now)

• Sale off the majority of my niche websites and business interest that do not directly make a positive impact on entrepreneurs. My heart has always been helping people make a positive impact on their life. Honestly, I love marketing so much over the past 15 years or so I have spent a lot of time and energy in niche markets because I could make money with them, but really had no passion for them and that is just not me. So my focus is SUPPORT ENTREPRENUERS!

Dedicated to your Success,







With all the talk about “Attracting Followers” this
quote is more important than ever!




There is no question over the past several years, the number one
question I receive is what is my Search Engine Optimization Strategy?

I had three people ask me about this over the last 3 days.
My SEO strategy has not changed in the last 8 -10 years.

Some of you probably remember the PDF I wrote a few years ago
called SEO for Average Joe in this PDF I talked about a software
I used called SEO ELITE, you can learn more here. It was my secret
8-10 years ago, and it still is today.

I just did a google search today for MLM Training and the Top 2
websites are mine, SEO Elite Works!




FEATURED ARTICLE – The Word Today is Scaelable

Yesterday I heard a quote that gave me chills. It was ..
“The essence of strategy is the ability to identify what
is not important”

I was reminded me of another life changing quote I heard from
the great Glen Turner say about 12 years ago when were speaking
together at an event in Orlando, Florida. Glen said “You have to
say No to a lot of good ideas, so you have TIME for the
great ones”

That is a very hard lesson for creative entrepreneurs to learn. I
remember our preacher one time saying “pray that God will give
you creative ideas for your business”
. I felt like standing on the
pew and saying the last thing I need is more ideas, I just need the
time to implement the ones I already have.

Like most of you have big plans for 2015. My number one goal
is to sale off all my niche websites & business that don’t provide
real value for entrepreneurs.

I want everything I do to be strategic. So if “the essence of strategy
is the ability to identify what is not important”.
Common sense tells
me the ability to focus on what is important is at the top of the list.

I am assuming that you have a foundational business that you believe
in and is creating cash flow for you right now. If not, that is step 1
find your business!

This video may help you, but don’t watch it until you read the rest
of this post.


Opportunity Map

After you have your foundational business that is making you money you must be able to promote it and make a profit! Your promotion efforts must be Scaleable. You need to be able to turn your $1,000 profit from your promotions into $10,000. What I love about network marketing is when you build your business on the right foundation this happens automatically through duplication if you have the right systems in place. The second, third, and fourth wave of leadership will be DEVELOPED if you provide the right tools & systems to develop the proper skill sets and mindsets.

One of the primary marketing focuses for 2015 is going to be Facebook. I have gone through at least ½ dozen courses over the past few years on Facebook marketing. The challenge was a few years ago it seemed that Facebook was constantly evolving and changing their algorithms.

So we had strategies that were creating masses leads for multiple business and suddenly the algorithms change and the software program we were
using no longer worked!

Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. There was a time when your post showed up on all your friends accounts, now based upon multiple factors,you are killing it if 30% of your friends/followers see your messages. So I decided to try paid advertising and frankly the results have been mixed honestly because I didn’t have the time to get properly educated on Facebook ads.

So for the past couple of years, I just threw in the towel regarding facebook. I currently have around 100 Facebook pages, accept for my personal family & friends account & my fan page I personally am rarely on Facebook. All of my niche Facebook pages are outsourced and I pay a virtual assistant to monitor those.

However, over the past six months, I have noticed, the amount of website traffic our websites have been getting from Facebook has steadily
increased. The 20 FACTS below should make any marketer wake up take notice and get serious about promoting their business on Facebook.

1) Worldwide, there are over 1.39 billion monthly active Facebook users (MAUs) which is a 13 percent increase year over year.(Source: Facebook As of 1/28 What this means for you: In case you had any lingering doubts, statistically, Facebook is too big to ignore.

2) 4.5 billion likes generated daily as of May 2013 which is a 67 percent increase from August 2012 (Source: Facebook)

3) 890 million people log onto Facebook daily (DAU) for December 2014, which represents a 18% increase year over year (Source: Facebook as 1/28/15) The Implication: A huge and vastly growing number of Facebook users are active and consistent in their visits to the site, making them a promising audience for your marketing efforts.

4) There are 1.9 billion mobile active users (MAU) (Source: Facebook as of 1/28/15) an increase of 26 percent year-over-year.

5) In Europe, over 223 million people are on Facebook. (Source: Search Engine Journal) The Takeaway: This isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon – a worldwide market is available via Facebook.

6) Age 25 to 34, at 29.7% of users, is the most common age demographic. (Source:Emarketer 2012) What this means for you: This is the prime target demographic for many businesses’ marketing efforts, and you have the change to engage these key consumers on Facebook.

7) Five new profiles are created every second. (Source: ALLFacebook 2012) The Implication: Your potential audience on Facebook is growing exponentially.

8) Facebook users are 53% female and 47% male. (Source: Emarketer) The Takeaway: Since this isn’t a large statistical difference, you should be able to effectively reach both genders on Facebook.

9) Highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm. (Source: blog) How this can help you: Since you have the potential to reach more consumers and drive higher traffic to your site during peak usage times, consider this statistic in determining when todo more frequent or important status updates, offers and other posts.

10) On Thursdays and Fridays, engagement is 18% higher. (Source: blog) The Implication: Again, use this information to determine when to post in order to optimize your social media marketing efforts.

11) There are 83 million fake profiles. (Source: CNN) The Takeaway: Nothing is perfect, so always remain thoughtful and strategic in your efforts. Also, fake or not, these are still potential consumers. There are various reasons for fake profiles, including professionals doing testing and research, and people who want to segment their Facebook use more than is possible with one account.

12)Photo uploads total 300 million per day. (Source: Gizmodo) The Implication: Again, this is an indication of engaged users; also, it is an indication that there are a lot of photos, as well as other information, competing for users’ attention, so target your efforts strategically.

13) Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes.(Source: Infodocket) What this means for you: You could have a short time period to make your impression, so use it wisely with relevant, interesting and unique posts and offers in order to get the most return on your efforts.

14) Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded. (Source: The Social Skinny) The Implication: Again, there are a lot of engaged and active users, but also a huge amount of information competing for their attention, so quality and strategy on your part matter.

15) 4.75 billion pieces of content shared daily as of May 2013 which is a 94 percent increase from August 2012. (Source: Facebook)

16) 50% of 18-24 year-olds go on Facebook when they wake up. (Source: The Social Skinny) What this means for you: Facebook is important to these users, and potentially, if done correctly, so is the content you post on it.

17) One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook. (Source: Infodocket 2012) How this helps you: This is a huge market on the web; if you use social media marketing efforts on Facebook well, you could have huge returns to show for it.

18) 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business. (Source: State of Inbound Marketing 2012 The Takeaway: This is a crowded marketplace, but you can’t afford to sit it out, because odds are fairly high that your competition is there. The key is to use Facebook marketing correctly and make sure that your efforts stand out from the crowd.

19) 16 Million local business pages have been created as of May 2013 which is a 100 percent increase from 8 million in June 2012. (Source: Facebook)

20) 7.5 million promoted posts have been made from June 2012 to May 2013. (Source: Facebook)

I have always taught, go where the website traffic already is. There is no question that Facebook is now part of the world culture and to not take advantage of this fact as a marketer is a terrible decision. It kind of goes back to being able to focus on what is important as we previous talked about.

The truth is, Facebook Ads are not going to change drastically in the future. They are here to stay. Frankly I think all the changes with Facebook over the past few years have really been to get the paid ads platform to this point.

So what is your plan to maximize your facebook marketing and promotion?

Mine is to learn all I can from the best, test, and the outsource. So that is my Facebook plan for 2015. I knew this course was coming and have been waiting for it to be released, it is called Dark Horse Profits 2.0. It was just released today, and can’t wait to get into it. The testimonies and buzz around the first Dark Horse Profits have been beyond compelling. There was a 16 year old kid that went through the first course and has created a $20,000 monthly income from Facebook, yes SIXTEEN YEARS OLD!

I personally know distributors that are making $5,000 + a month retailing network marketing products on Facebook. One of the companies I have a training contract with has a young lady, Courtney Looper who is a FB legend. Courtney personally sales 25 -35 bottles of her companies
weight loss product, DAILY on Facebook.

So my suggestion is to get Facebook educated in 2015. If you would like to learn more about the Dark Horse Profits course you can find the info by clicking here.

Well, I guess that is it for now.

I hope you and yours have a great week and please remember my father-in-law.

Dedicated to Your Success, have a great week!



About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

To subscribe, click here. If you need help on a specific topic, use our search box below. The search works just like Google. Just enter a keyword and press enter.

For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

MLM Scam 2.0
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