Cash Producing Activities (CPA’s) are mainly
things like:
– Generating leads to build Your Prospect List
– Getting prospects to play 2 so they can hear the
whole story
– Giving strong, directional, systematic leadership
to your new team members
1. Spending 3 Days designing the perfect
business card, with a great logo, flashy colours
and an expert design DOES NOT produce cash.
Handing out business cards DOES.
Espcially these (
2. Surfing the internet for the best ways to build
your online business DOES NOT produce cash.
Doing the activities that build traffic to your website
3. Learning every single product your company
offers DOES NOT produce cash.
Scheduling prospects to be on your weekly
webinar/conference call DOES.
4. Learning every part of your company’s compensation
plan DOES NOT produce cash.
Advertising your business and getting prospects to come
to your website and the company weekly presentation DOES
5. Purchasing a new set of pens, some binders,
a stapler, printer cartridge, and a new day planner for
your new home-business DOES NOT produce cash.
Investing in proven training like
program to get prospects to invite to the presentations DOES
6. Attending the Live Presentation Calls about your business
by yourself to make sure that they are “still there” DOES NOT
produce cash.
Inviting Prospects to the Presentation Calls DOES
7. Reading through every page of the “MLM Help No Fluff Newsletter”
to see if you can find a spelling mistake or should I say, (to see how
many spelling mistakes you can find) DOES NOT
produce cash.
Completing Follow-ups with prospects that have been on
your company presentations and “scratching them off
your list” DOES
8. Calling your sponsor or your new member to chat about
what you’re going to do on the weekend DOES NOT
produce cash.
Setting appointments with new prospects on a training call
or with your new member DOES
9. Printing out this list and re-reading it over and over DOES
NOT produce cash.
Taking Action by putting this information into action
10. Trying to re-invent the wheel to make the “system” better DOES
NOT produce cash.
(Listen to webinar at
Hope this helps. Always stay positive and if you find that you’re
business isn’t growing as fast as you want it to, ask yourself:
Does this activity produce CASH?