Webinar Replay:  8 Outlandish Mistakes Network Marketers Make (Including Trying to sponsor professionals and 7 other Mistakes)  Click the BLUE BOX below to gain free access to this thought provoking webinar.


After you read the article I hope you have a clear understanding that prejudging prospects based upon their current career path or job title make no logical since.

Yes, I remember the first medical doctor that I ever personally sponsored. It was exciting and he moved a lot of products for us, but ultimately to build a large duplicating organization you need people who are career frustrated and ready to make change.  When it is all said and done background or current career path means nothing.

It doesn’t seem like a week passes by when someone doesn’t ask me Dale how do I sponsor dentists, chiropractors, doctors or other professionals into my business?  My response is always the same.


Listen if you are a dentist, chiropractor, or doctor then I think focusing on those in your own profession makes perfect sense, and we teach specific direct mail strategies that can help you make those exposures happen.  For the rest of you …don’t  buy into that propaganda!


Even worse is when people call me griping about how they called every professional in their phone book and they got no response.  My mind always thinks ……… Really, you don’t say, shocking, or some other mental comment that I rarely share verbally.  My response is always the same, Who taught you to do that?


It happened again today, and over the years I cannot tell you how much time I have wasted trying to address challenges and problems that I did not create. I am more than happy to discuss any system or program that we teach with anybody at anytime. Did you hear that? The key words being …..“WE TEACH”.


I know the 6 Sequential steps we teach in our Core training gives the most people the highest odds for Success in the Network Marketing Industry and I will compare our results and track record with anybody!


Anyway, I got a message on our office phone today that says this ………..   “Dale this is _____________ and I did exactly what you said. I called 50 chiropractors, dentists and real estate brokers in my community and not one of them said they kept their business options open. Now what am I supposed to do?” (FOR THE RECORD  I have never taught anyone to do this, nor would I ! )


Next message on my answer machine.   Dale this is ______________________ Over the past week I have wasted 11 hours on the phone calling 30 leads from the source you suggested. I spent 10-15 minutes F O R Ming the ones that didn’t hang up on me, and none of them were interested in creating additional income from home. I don’t know how you ever convinced me this was the way to build a business!


( I have never taught buying leads, or even considering it until you are full time, and under no circumstances should you ever personally call leads you purchased, it is a total waste of time. Hire a personal assistant to make the initial call if you feel you should go this route.)   Go back over several of my training programs over the past couple of decades and you will have heard me say dozens of times


I would rather sponsor a housewife with REASONS than a professional with a sense of entitlementClick To Tweet


I used to be so amused by distributors on our team who would call me all fired up because they sponsored their dentist. Really? The truth is: “Personal education makes you a living, if you become self-educated you can create a fortune”.   Yes, when we were building we had hundreds of doctors, dentists, airline pilots, chiropractors, insurance agents, real estate brokers, and other professionals on our team. We even have had celebrities like Meadow Lark Lemmon and singer Charro involved with us, not to mention countless numbers of collegiate and pro athletes.




After 30+  years in this industry  I can say WITHOUT QUESTION. A person’s past experience is no indication of their long term upside potential with the network marketing business model.  They may grow quickly because of their standing in the community but if they don’t have the support structure and systems in place to develop what I call HOME GROWN LEADERS on their team, they will fall as fast as they rise.


If you have been around this industry anytime at all you have seen this happen dozens, if not hundreds of times. Bruce Jenner, Tony Horton, Kevin Tredua, Refrigerator Perry,  the number of celebrates that have come and gone in this industry are endless.

As I say, every aspect of this business is predictable, because the real product is people.  I can’t tell you what one individual will do on any specific occasion but I can usually predict what 99 out of 100 will do, and you can too. Yes, I can understand how we easily think that since their profession gives them credibility the business will be easier to grow for them, but anyone who has been around this industry a few years knows that is simply not always how it is.  Passive income doesn’t come from growth, it comes from duplication.

Many professionals have a sense of entitlement and want their sponsor to do all the work for them.   If you have been involved in the network marketing industry for a few years, how many times have you seen this play out?

You are simply looking for the right person, at the right time in their life. Period….end of story. To somehow think a professional has more upside potential than an over the road truck driver with REASONS is naive.  Yes, they will probably take off quicker, but how fast you start has nothing to do with long term potential and residual wealth.

Some self proclaimed gurus seem to take advantage of the naivety of newbies! It appears that some upline leaders in an attempt to support their people however they can,  turn to these gurus for help and then we end up with the blind leading the blind teaching good people business practices that will never duplicate.   Think about the backgrounds of some of the most successful distributors you have ever known. Look in your own company.


Is there a disproportionate number of professionals verses housewives, construction workers, or farmers?


Of course not!


The truth is: “Personal education makes you a living, if you become self-educated you can create a fortune”. You are looking for the RIGHT PERSON at the RIGHT TIME in their life, and don’t let anyone tell you anything different. Yes, in our Start Right MLM program, we teach you to expose the business as soon as possible to the most ambitious, business minded people YOU PERSONALLY KNOW. We do not teach you to find them in the yellow pages!

I am shocked that there are people that actually teach people to waste their time doing this. I can think of only a few activities that will burn a person out on this industry quicker.


I have identified 8 Outlandish Mistakes that MLM “Leaders” teach their teams to make on a daily basis.


#1 is teaching your team to call professionals out of the yellow pages.  People have to understand that this is a guaranteed recipe for disaster for 99% of the population, don’t they?

Are they really more concerned about selling their $497 “How to Sponsor Professionals” course than they are actually moving people in a direction that will guarantee success over time?   Do they simply not know any better? I honestly can’t answer that question; it is bewildering to me!

Regardless, I am conducting a free webinar training called The 8 Outlandish Mistakes MLM Leaders Make Every Day. It is free to attend and you can get all the details by clicking the BLUE BOX in this article.   If the webinar is over by the time you are reading this article we will make the replay available for you. There is no charge, and I have nothing to pitch you or business to try to back you in to. I have been teaching people the systems that ultimately create success for many years.

I know what it takes at a level it haunts me.  I can promise you these are 8 activities you want to avoid at all cost, no matter who is teaching you to do them. It is so frustrating to see the greatest business model in the world for creating time and the money to enjoy it, continue to make the same mistakes over and over.  You are simply looking for the right person, at the right time in their life.

I don’t care if they are a nuclear scientist or just got out of prison. You just need someone who is teachable and ready to take their lifestyle and their personal growth to a new level.   I go deeper into this topic in the webinar 8 Outlandish Mistakes Network Marketing Distributors make. You can access it by clicking the blue box below:






About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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