The responsibility of a network marketing leader is to
tell people the truth.
It appears that most people in the industry with leadership
titles have found that it is much easier to tell people what
they want to hear, not what they need to hear.
We should have cultures that inspire and challenge people
to grow, learn, and become better. Instead we seem to be
telling people to have fun, watch TV, play on your lap top
and become rich.
Has the industry become a reflection of our culture?
About 15 years ago I saw this trend towards excepting
mediocrity begin in our industry. Below is an article I wrote
for a publication that goes out to MLM company owners
and coporate officers.
Today, it appears that no one read it :). I would appreciate
your thoughts. Am I missing something?
If you agree and this makes sense to you pass it along on
facebook or share it with your downline.
Network marketing should be a personal development program
with a comp plan attached. Those who try to do it with the
skill sets and mindsets they enter the industry end up searching
for years for a company or product to make them successful.
They never are able to accpet responsibility for their own
personal education and work ethic. They seem to blindly
follow their upline from deal to deal and never develop the
skill sets and mindsets of a network marketing professional.
Unfortunately many uplines, companies, and comp plans promote
these type of activities which ultimately guarantee mediocrity.
Most network marketers today don't have "7 years experience"
they simply have 1 BAD year, repeated 7 times. We have to
take responsibility and inspire people to become better!