July 13th
As most of you know I have been encouraging the readers of MLMHelp.com to become educated on several new marketing trends over the past year and a half or so, one of them being Kindle publishing.
The numbers on the number of books being sold now on Amazon Kindle compared to bound books are staggering. Major bookstores around the country are going out of business. Will there come a day when a bound book is as obsolete as a record album?
That is what many experts are predicting. All I know is over the last year and a half Dawn and I have devoted a large amount of our personal education time to learning all we can about Kindle Publishing. Neither of us are what I would call tech savvy, especially me so to say this entire process has been a lot of trial and error would be a major understatement.
However we have been able to get several books published on the Kindle platform!
If you are not on our Kindle Notification update list and would like to be, you can register at: www.DaleCalvert.com/Amazon
The great thing about publishing on Kindle, is people don't actually need to have a Kindle to download and read your books. The Amazon reader can also be downloaded on a cell phone or computer.
Our sales from Amazon have done much better we originally projected. The reason? Think about it for a minute. As we have always tried to teach as it relates to creating any kind of lead online is to "GO WHERE THE TRAFFIC ALREADY IS". Amazon supplies you the one thing all businesses need and that is customers.
Listen, if you have not taken the time yet to seriously investigate the huge marketing potential with Amazon Kindle here is a good place to start: http://MakeMoneyKindle.com but that is not really the point of this article. I realize that the majority of our readers are somewhat familiar with Kindle and many of you have been learning as much as they can.
Some of you have been able to get your books on the Kindle platform, and that is awesome. As you know the number one challenge of uploading a book to Kindle without a doubt is formatting. It can be an absolutely nightmare. Some of the early books we published were a mess, heck most of the books published on Kindle a few years ago were a formatting mess. However today people expect clickable table of contents, pictures, and perfect text alignment. (Heck I am still trying to figure out how to do that on this blog theme).
Thankfully we have gone through enough training and Dawn has figured 95% of this out, but as many of you know it is very time consuming. If you have done any publishing on Kindle at all you know exactly what I am talking about, right?
Well, I just watched a video on Kindle formatting that if half of what I am seeing is true, mine, yours, and everyone else's Kindle publishing nightmares are about to end!
You can check out the video here:
Is this mind-blowing or what?
I just think about the dozens of hours that this would have saved us this year, but very thankful to have found it now. I just had to share it with you guys. If you are not publishing on Kindle as of yet, but have plans of doing so in the future, BOOKMARK this page and start with this software from day one, it will put you way ahead of the game!