Friday April 19, 2013

Read by over 47,000 Intelligent Marketers Worldwide!

Calvert Marketing Group
120-B North Water
Georgetown, KY 40324


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© 2013 Reprint permission granted in part or whole when the following credit appears: Please forward this newsletter to an entrepreneur!

"Reprinted with permission from Dale Calvert producer of the #1 MLM Training Confessions of a Network Marketing Millionaire available at

In this newsletter…

· Quick Message from Dale

·  The Whirlpool  How to Have Your Personal Break Through

*  Quote of the Week from Og Mandino

* Quote of the Week


Quick Message From Dale


I hope you have had a good week. Needless to say, we need to keep the people and families in the Boston area in our thoughts and prayers. It is a sign of the times and a reminder that none of us are promised tomorrow.

Torrey is a senior at Dominion Christian School here in Marietta, and is heading to his Senior Prom tonight.  It seems like only a couple of years ago that I was going to my senior prom, what about you?






All our life we have heard how time moves faster , and the older we become the more we realize how true that is.  The older I become the more I realize it is not worth letting yourself have one bad day and how important it is to cherish every moment you have with your family, friends, and loved ones.  For some reason I have Eddie Money's Song playing low in the background of my head as I write this.


Eddie Money

 Twenty years ago I read an article in Phycology Today Magazine about a concept called  Witsful Regret and a study I think Cornell Univiersity had done at various nursing homes around the Unitied States.  I did a training around this concept and over the years a few former downline members have taken personal credit  for developing and teaching this concept. Not that that matters one way or another.  My stuff has been ripped off by so many times, by so many people, I just stopped counting.  It has just made me more aware and to personally always try to give credit where credit is due. I received an email last week from someone who said I mention Jim Rohn too much, now you know why.   Anyway, back to Witsful Regret.

I thought the Physcology Today article was awesome and I am thankful it made an impact on me and many others who heard the training.  The basic concept is there are two kinds of regret.  The first is referred to as hot regret that is when we fly off the handle and do or say something in the heat of the moment that we ultimately wish we could take it back.  The prison's of the world are filled with people that are there because of knee jerk reactions.  Great advice is when you feel a flood of hot regret count to 3 before you respond.

Witsful regret is quite different.  It is a kind of sad, bitter sweet feeling that life might have been better (or different) if only certain actions had been taken.  Most witsful regret comes from chances not taken, and opportunities not persued.   I made a DECISION the day I read the article to never look back on my life and "wish I had".  That is a decision that I have never regretted.  It is sad to think that the nursing homes of the world are full of people and the majority suffer from Witsful Regret.

Press on my friends, and make the most of every day.









This past Thursday I invited a few of our top subscribers, clients and customers to listen  in on a customer appreciation webinar I did called.  " Getting through THE WHIRLPOOL, HOW TO HAVE YOUR OWN PERSONAL BREAK THROUGH"

This week instead of providing a featured article I decided to provide you guys a replay of the webinar.


How to Change



I will Persist Until I Succeed
Og Mandino


I Will Persist






VIDEO of the WEEK:




 WE ALL KNOW "The Money is in the List"


"10 Hours of Training to Show You How We Build Ours"






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Copyright 2013 Calvert Marketing Group

You may copy any of the articles in this newsletter for any purpose without permission as long is no portion of the article is modified. You must include the tag line at the bottom.

Article published with permissions from:
Dale Calvert
Calvert Marketing Group

* Please pass this newsletter on to an entrepreneur *


About the Author



Dale Calvert started his first business (a mail order business) out of his parents home at age 14 and his devoted his entire adult life to supporting those who want to create income from home. You can learn more than you would ever care to know at

Note from Dale

Some of the links in my email and newsletters to you MAY be affiliate links but be confident that I only endorse what I fully stand behind. I accept no advertising in this newsletter.

Dale’s Top Website Include
A Directory of his websites
For those that are ready to
Master Network Marketing
Top Lead Generation Course
Free MLM Lead Generation PDF
Home of the original 100 Bill Dropcard
"The 1 Prospecting Tool Every
Network Marketers Should be Using"

I appreciate your support

Dedicated to Your Success!

Dale Calvert

PS I am not a prospect for any MLM Opportunity! I already got the T-Shirt! Like you, my time is the most valuable asset I have and I simply have too many business interest.

However we do work with leaders to conduct special webinars and Super Saturday Trainings for their team and Key Notes at corporate conventions. Call our office for more details: 502-868-6199

About has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

MLM Help Warehouse

We believe network marketing offers the average person with above average desire the opportunity to create financial independence, and a legacy income. Our goal is to support you at the highest level along your journey.

If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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For information on private training events for your organization or company, or questions on our training programs call our office at 502-868-6199.

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