Hi I want to start this with an email I received this weekend,from an old friend of mine.



Hi Dale,



I just wanted to give you an update on what is happening with me.


As I have told you before,  The Seminar of the Century that you held, changed my life.


You got we writing and submitting articles to Ezines, which ultimately lead to the publication of my book.


I am now writing articles and submitting them todirectories and earning over $3,000 a month,  I am having a BLAST doing this!


I got the blueprint for this business model at:


I am forever in your debt!





As I read this email, my immediate thought was I wonder how many people don't get this?

Submitting articles to directories for web traffic has become a hot topic over the past several months.  Most internet marketers I know are doing this consistently.

But a few people I know (like Kim above) have taken this idea to the next level and are writing articles, to produce affiliate income.

I called Kim after I got this email,  she said she is only writing 5 articles each weekend, and is spending about 1 hour and right now making over $3,000 a month.

The cool part is here income has grown every month for the past 90 days since she started doing this.  As you probably know, articles that end up in the search engines, usually stay in the search engines awhile.

Pretty cool idea.

The book that gave her the blueprint can be found at:

I just downloaded it and read it this afternoon, it is a very thought provoking read.  If you are looking for additional cash flow, this could be your answer!

Dedicated to Your Success!








THE ARTICLE PROFIT FORMULA Step-By-Step Making Money With Articles – Earn Residual Income Marketing Affiliate Programs – Or Create Traffic For Your Sites.http://mlmmc.wargamez.hop.clickbank.ne 

Article Submission Pro Allows You To Submit Your Articles To The Article Directory Sites. Pre-loaded With Over 100+ Directories, It Can Get Your Articles Out To Directories Painlesslyhttp://mlmmc.imssoft07.hop.clickbank.net

DESKTOP ADSENSE Build Adsense Sites With Other Peoples Articles In A Flash! http://mlmmc.desktopads.hop.clickbank.net

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