




I honestly couldn’t believe what I was reading. This is an actual email that a network marketing company (I will not mention the name) emailed to their distributors today.  As I have said for years Cater to Mediocrity or Inspire Greatness, that is the question?




No Conference Call Tonight or Next Week

I have heard from some of our most loyal conference call attendees who asked that we postpone our next two conference calls due to the World Series. They say they and their friends want to watch the games and that they don’t like to listen to the recorded calls. We know the first game is tonight. When I look at the schedules it appears there’s a good chance a game may be played next week on November 3rd. With that in mind we have decided to cancel the conference calls until November 10th. Be sure to notify those you know who may not check their emails everyday.






Listen, I am baseball fan, but “don’t like listening to recorded calls”. Are you kidding me? The people that are committed to building a business want the information recorded, live, it doesn’t matter!

Isn’t the information the same on a recorded call as it is on a live call?

You don’t build a business with “loyal conference call attendees” you build it with leaders! I think this is what is called the inmates running the Asylum?

It takes dedication, focus, and commitment to build a network marketing organization from corporate leaders as well as field leaders. Yes there will be personal emergencies where some people may not be able to lead a webinar or conference call, but every organization should have future leaders in the game, ready to pick up the ball and run whenever they are called upon. Just like the back up shortstop on a baseball team.

Sometimes I think I am crazy to think the way I think, but the truth is this email message screams we want customers and loyal conference call listeners, or perhaps I am a Kansas City Royals fan, I am not sure. I do believe leadership must lead by example.

If you want cater to loyal conference call listeners you will never find or develop the leaders to move your organization or your network marketing company forward!

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MLM Scam 2.0
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