If you do direct outreach prospecting, which by the way is the most effective way to find frustrated network marketers who are considering a change, you will be shocked at how many seemingly intelligent people have drank the anti direct messaging propaganda. In the real world it is called head hunting and it is a common business practice. Nothing more effecitve than contact people directly in your target market.

However people with leadership titles in Modere especially, but also Q Science, Valentus, and other companies are scared to death and don’t want their distributors using direct outreach to contact their target market, why is that? Because they know experienced pros will indentifly the flaws in their compensation plan or me too product line, and if distributors in mediocre companies contact pros the only result would be people pivoting into programs that make more business sense.

Instead these leaders teach people that direct outreach is a sleesy, spammy way to try to identify quality prospects in your target market. The bes tway to attract people is dance on tik tok, or babble like an idiot on your facebook or social media accounts.

It is fascinating and I am sure business school professors are scratching their heads right now. Direct outreach to your target market is a bad idea? Really? An you Believe that? If you really believe that do yourself a big favor and check out this podcast training, because my friend, THEY ARE LIEING TO YOU!

Pigs don’t know Pigs Stink was a classic training done by an Amway Diamond years ago. I don’t remember the guys name, but if you ever run across the cassette at a yard sale or on eBay, buy it. I have it here somewhere in my collection. Anyway whoever the Diamond was, props to him for the title of this article. I want to share with you that I hope will provide value for network marketers who want to develop a large social media presence.

It was probably 10 years ago.   I was hired by a company that was less than a year old to develop the training system for the field after I was the key note speaker at their first national conventions.

I connected with the people in the field. They had attracted a great group of future leaders with huge upside potential who were hungry and saw the value of working on their personal mindsets and skill sets.  So I felt it was a great fit and a company worth spending time with.

Things were awesome, our training webinars were packed, the feedback from the field was as good as I had ever experienced, and I was excited to be working with people that were seeking wisdom of the ages, business building TRUTH.

During the first six months, the #1 money earner, we will call him Dan was very stand offish towards me.  Even though his organization was plugged in to our weekly calls and in the market creating customers, team members, producing results and moving forward. It was fascintaing to me, his team was growing and his Ego couldn’t handle it.

Then the phone call game from the owner, we will call him Scott.   During that conversation I learned that Dan was the “Master Distributor” for the company.  That may be the first time I ever heard that term.  “Master Distributor”.

When they launched the business six months before Scott hired me, he had brought Dan on.  The first three months Dan got his people, they got their people, they  got a few and of course the few had nobody to get, and after 3 months of growth, sales volume peeked.  The next 3 months, it dropped every month and that is when when the owner hired me as a consultant and trainer. I have seen this head dude gets his people and they get therir people and they enroll a couple they know then those people have no people and the entire growth STOPS. I have watched this scenario play out so many times, it is frightening. At some point, when you are not reaching outside you MLM box and attracting real customers this the way it always plays out. It make 90 days or three years but at somepoint you have to find people from outside your mlm box, real customers to have a real business.

My opinion of Dan was he was a good guy who simply got caught up in the wrong network marketing business building philosophy. & culture when he started, he was one of the 3% of people on the planet than can make attraction marketing work at some level within the MLM business model. He wasn’t building any new leaders on his team but he was attracting some followers and persuading them each month to stay on autoship.

He was  a main stream attraction marketing guy with strong internet and marketing skills and taught attraction marketing, blogging, and social media promotion.   (Which never works for network marketing newbies  as I talk about here in the Network Marketing Blogging Hoax article.

I am always fascinated by those that teach what they know won’t work for 99% of the people on their team.   Ego and ignorance are a strange combination.)

You would think that at some point they would ask themselves, how can I stack the odds for success in my team members favor, but I guess for them it is just much easier to focus on developing followers.

Anyway the conversation went something like this.   Dale, when we brought you on as a trainer and consultant, you stopped the bleeding immediately and I appreciate that.  We have had month over month growth, and everybody knows it is because of your weekly webinars with the field.  All of numbers are growing, but we have a problem.

I am thinking problem? The bleeding has stopped, month over month growth… Problem? REALLY?

Scott continued ………Dan called me and said it is you or him. That if we don’t end our relationship with you, he is taking his team and going somewhere else.

My immediate response was awesome, you will be much better off in the long run.

That was an honest, in my mind, common sense answer, but something Scott had not prepared for.  He didn’t miss a breath, it was like he was reading from a script.

He continued, Dan and I go way back, we have been friends for a long time, and I can’t let him leave so I am going to pay you for the remaining six months of our contract, but your services are no longer needed, and I have sent out an email letting the field know and your weekly webinars are cancelled.

My response.  Scott did you not here what I just said?  Dan leaving and taking his flawed attraction marketing systems with him is the best thing that can happen for your company over the long term.  He is 100% driven by ego, but you have a lot of great people that will be the leaders of the future, if we stay on the path we have been on.  The home grown leaders are being developed and I know you can see that, the numbers don’t lie.

He ignored what I said all together, he said I am sorry Dale, I sending you a paypal payment now to fulfill our contract, and he hung up.  That was several years ago and the last time I ever spoke to him.

A year later Dan left and started his own network marketing company to compete with Scott.  Last I heard he recently launched his 3rd company, the other two both lasted less than a year.

When Dan left, Scott to start his own company, Scott sent me an email asking if I would call him about coming back on board.  I simply replied, my time is the most valuable asset I have and my goal is to spend it with people and companies I can trust and really make a difference for their people.   No amount of money would bring me back on board.  I sincerely wish you well, but our business relationship is done.

18 months later they were out of business.

It wasn’t about the money for me, it never has been. I understand that 99% of the people reading this think that is BS, but its really not, ask the closest people to me in my life.   

He had paid me the remaining six months of our contract, he fulfilled his obligations and personally we are fine.  I wish him and his family nothing but the best, and I sincerely mean that.  I think one of my super powers is the ability to totally departmentalize business and personal stuff and FOCUS. Most people seem to have challenges with that.

I have shared that story with you to say this.  I should have known better, there were clues that I ignored. The entire time I was consulting and training for the company it seemed that daily I would get a message on Facebook that Scott, the owner of the company, has invited you to play Candy Crush, or some online Facebook game.

This was a daily occurrence.   I would think are you friggin kidden me?

This guy is suppose to be the CEO of the next billion dollar network marketing company  (Those where his words, not mine …………come to think of it they all say that ? )   and he is wasting hours of day playing online games and the WORST PART IS ………………….

Every distributor in his company who he is part of his facebook friends list, knows it!  This is what Pigs don’t know Pigs stink means.   People think they can do and say anything they want.   We are in a culture where lies and false claims are spewed daily and we call it good marketing. We can talk about how hard we are working, and going for it, but faking to you make it is not a good business plan, if you are attempting to be a credible entrepreneur.

Years ago I heard someone say;

“It is Better to be Thought of as an IDIOT than to open one’s mouth and Remove ALL Doubt”

Attraction marketers are opening their mount daily, and real entreprenuers who are building real teams and not social clubs, just throw up a little in our mouths.

Today we could say, it is better to be though of as an idiot than to make a social media post that removes all doubt.   Understand I am not talking about those who push political opinions, or their special interest organizations that we DISAGREE WITH.   In fact, I respect and appreciate those who have a passion for something and are willing to communicate it, even if their belief and passion is the opposite of my personal beliefs.

However, so many network marketers have just been trained wrong and do not seem to be able to form a logical business thought on their own.  None are more ignorant than those that want to scold others for sending a link in a direct outreach message. It is just and indication that I can probably find them dancing on tick tok to build their team.

Do you really want to join a company where the CEO spouts about being the next billion-dollar company every time he opens his mouth, and you know he spends hours daily wasting time playing online games?  He may as well be spending that time watching cat videos!

There is a time for entertainment.  But it is not daily in the middle of the work day, if you have real goals you are working for.  “Time is the most valuable asset we have and Time Management is the Best Kept Secret of the Rich”

So here is my most recent experience, in fact it happened yesterday. 

This is one of the promotions we ran this week  for one of our businesses DNA Entrepreneur’s.   We were doing paid ads on Facebook targeting Shark Tank Viewers who own small businesses.

If they clicked through, this is what the promotion actually said:

Personal DNA Nutrition

March 25 at 4:19 PM · 

For the record this is an exmple I share several years ago, before I accepted the fact the the consumable products mlm niche and especially wellness products has run its course and is over. The truth is you simply cannot compete with Amazon, eBay and the fact that Health Food Stores are now inside every grocery store and big box stores today. It is not 1990 any longer the wellness MLM niche is Blockbuster, and the sooner you understand that the better.


I feel the Facebook ad is clear, concise, not offensive in any way and explains exactly who we are looking for and want to work with.  Again, I targeted Shark Tank viewers who are also small business owners.

I tried to create enough curiosity, facts, and qualifiers that if they did have an interest that they would click through and view the entire article.

The picture was taken from a Shark Tank set, that I felt Shark Tank viewers would recognize and the lady watch promoting her in home health test kits.

I guess if you are a raging atheist, that fact that I mentioned preach and a church could possibly be offensive, but other than that, what am I missing.   If you don’t like something, keep on scrolling.


I have no idea who Lisa Hall is other than the fact that Facebook has here profiled as a small business owner who watches Shark Tank.   Can you imagine someone taking the time to post below my ad this mess? (Pun Intended 🙂 )

I sincerely didn’t know if I should laugh or cry?  I guess I interrupted here cat videos.   99% of the time I don’t even see these responses much less respond to them.  But I was not real happy about having such a crude response to be the first thing people see, after investing in a massive 7 day Facebook campaign. 

I could have had Facebook remove it, but frankly it was not worth the time, and it has provided me content for this article.  All I did was post the response below:

Of course I haven’t heard from Ms. Hall and I won’t, but I will send her a private message with a link to this blog post after it is posted.

It could be ignorance, someone not understanding that Facebook picked her to see the add, I certainly didn’t post directly to her wall. If you can read she saw the world advertisement. 

Maybe she was having a bad day, I don’t know, but I find this fascinating.

If she is a small business owner, would you want to do business with Lisa Hall?

Even if you saw this response while flipping through you news feed?

That is the point I am really trying to make.  If you are going to talk the talk, make sure you walk the walk.  The internet is going to expose you, and there are a few of us out here that have the guts to call you out when it does.

Will you make mistakes?  Of course, everyone makes mistakes, but if you are going to be involved in business you better always have the best interest of the market you serve top of mind. The truth is, today there is more disruption within the network marketing business model than at anytime before. People we call leaders in Modere and other Attraction Marketing Focussed company are watching more distributors leaving and falling off autoship than are joining and they are not too sure what to do about it.

Those business minded people that are able to stop and think for themselves are starting to
understand what is in the Kool Aide. Quite frankly they are finding myself and members of my team everyday and starting to see the progression our team is having. For the first time they are starting to see behind the curtain, and asking themselves some very important questions.

Keep your personal attacks to a minimum. I am all for throwing scum bags under the bus, but with entrepreneurs that are in the market place trying to provide value and speak the truth either support them, or leave them alone.

Communicate with conviction, no matter what, and make sure your walk is congruent with your talk. If you have found yourself caught in the Hunbot Modere or QScience cult, there sincerely is a way to break out and live your dreams, but only if you are willing to go through the de-programming process. Here is a good place to start.

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MLMHelp.com has been providing support and business content & training for Network Marketing Pro's through this website since 1995. Our office and shipping warehouse is located in Georgetown, Kentucky.

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If you are a newbie, or million dollar earner, our goal is to support you with No Fluff, Real World content based upon our founder, Dale Calvert's systems and training. When Dale was building these systems developed over 200 six figure earners on his personal team.

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