I like to periodically check in on the number of self-proclaimed network marketing “gurus,” “ninjas,” “masters”, “rock stars” “consultants” and “trainers” listed on YouTube.
Well, it seems like an important metric, an indicator of the real mindset of the distributors within the industry.
How many people are currently trying to teach people to do that which they have never done? IE: Build a large duplicating organization of leaders full of full-time earners.
Honestly, I think this is the number one reason the network marketing industry is NOT leading the charge in the entrepreneurial awakening we are seeing around the world.
I have been an entrepreneur all my life. Over the years I have built, bought and sold dozens of businesses and evaluated hundreds of business models.
When you think about giving the average person… Continue reading
The Best Way to become a network marketing authority is to DO IT, then talk about it!Click To Tweet
I have gone from fascination to disturbed at all the “self proclaimed” gurus
who are teaching marketers in multiple niches how to and I quote
“Build a powerful brand, boost influence and gain authority status.”
Would somebody please help me understand?
Yes, I understand that many if not most network marketing gurus got
there not because they actually built duplicating teams of leaders but by
convincing the masses that they were an authority just because they said
they were.
Call me naive, but I have to believe when I first started out I was looking
for someone who had actually done what I… Continue reading
Before we get into the actual article let me explain something. Attraction Marketing is a great business model for those having a product or service to sell. My wife and I have a staff of ten people and operate four businesses from our office in Georgetown, Kentucky.
All of our advertising and promotion for our e-commerce store is done online using multiple attraction marketing systems.
However network marketing is about developing a TEAM of leaders. Your long-term income is in direct proportion (not to the number of customers you acquire or people you enroll on your team) but to the number of leaders you DEVELOP on your team. Distributors come and go, DEVELOPED leaders stay, and leadership creates product movement!
If that statement doesn’t make since to you, don’t bother reading this article, it will only… Continue reading
It does my heart good to see people putting into action the ideas and methods we share. One of our subscribers sent me this video from one of our customers in my home state of Kentucky.
I have been teaching this simple postcard system for over 20 years, because it works. The name of the game is sorting through people! Amateurs try to convince, professionals sort!
Congratulations Billy on your SUCCESS!
Who does a search on You Tube for Dale Calvert? Other than my mother ..... it is probably someone interested in a home business. Over the next 12 months do you think someone may find Billy's video and contact him about his opportunity?
As most of you know this is what attraction marketers have been teaching people to do for years. You also… Continue reading
Yes, I believe that most people do business with those they know, like, and trust, but knowledgeable entrepreneur’s know better!
Yes, I purchase insurance, get my dry cleaning done, eat at some local Mom & Pop Restaurants, have my lawn work done by someone I know like and trust. However when it comes to learning business models or marketing ideas, knowing, liking, and even trusting people is really not something that enters my mind. I believe knowledgeable entrepreneur’s have the ability to separate business and day-to-day living. Joining somebody’s business ONLY because you know them, like them, and trust them really doesn’t make sense.
We are talking about business, we are talking about YOUR financial future!
When it comes to business, knowledgeable entrepreneur’s just want three questions… Continue reading
Friday March 8th, 2013
Read by over 47,000 Intelligent Marketers Worldwide!
Calvert Marketing Group
120-B North Water
Georgetown, KY 40324
Please forward this newsletter to a friend or business associate that can benefit from the information.
© 2013 Reprint permission granted in part or whole when the following credit appears: Please forward this newsletter to an entrepreneur!
In this newsletter…
· Quick Message from Dale
· BLOGGING: The Hottest – Hardest Business Model
· Quote of the Week
· Video of the Week: It Don't Come Easy!
· How to Subscribe
Quick Message from Dale
I hope you have had a good week.
March madness… Continue reading
My new book "The 7 Lies of Attraction Marketing" was released tonight,
Sunday January 6th on Smashwords Publishing